"“Death to America” chants have no place in our country. It is unbelievable that people who hate America want a say in its future. We can’t allow them to gain a foothold in our government. "
Death to America” chants have no place in our country. It is unbelievable that people who hate America want a say in its future. We can’t allow them to gain a foothold in our government.


This past week, pro-Hamas activists chanted “death to America” at a rally in Michigan. How is this happening?

Answer: This is Joe Biden’s America.

Not only has Joe Biden left our southern border wide open for dangerous foreign terrorists to enter our country …, but he DID NOTHING when these radicals in Michigan began publicly calling for the destruction of our great nation.

He is the President of the United States. I’d like to say he should start acting like it...but it truly might be a lost cause.

The only people standing in the way of these home-grown extremists getting their way in our government are courageous conservatives, and we’re in DIRE need of your help to ensure we keep control of the People’s House from those whose supporters chant such genocidal garbage as “Death to America”.


Please step up with a contribution of any amount RIGHT NOW. This is a very serious situation that has the potential to spiral out of control if we don’t get a handle on it ASAP.

John ... this episode is a perfect example of why leftist Democrats cannot be trusted with control of the House or Senate, let alone the White House.

But believe me when I tell you the LEFT is continually raising money for their efforts to SEIZE CONTROL of every branch of America’s government. Our House majority is RAZOR THIN. John. The situation we find ourselves in is PRECARIOUS.

Your inaction to this request would send the wrong signal to those who chant “death to America”. Their mission is to gain control of our government. And if they win enough House seats to elect a Democrat Speaker of the House, they can.

These people are insane and evil. We still have time to stop them, but I need you to step up immediately.


We can not capitulate to people who call for the destruction of America and demand the deaths of our allies. On this issue, there is simply no ground to give.

We live in the greatest country on earth—and when America leads, the world is better and safer.

The world is watching, and they know giving radical home-grown extremists a seat at the table tells the rest of the world, “America is weak,” and “their days of global domination are over.”

Only through American unity and leadership will the world thrive. But right now, in order to get more Democrat votes in states like Michigan and Minnesota, Biden and his allies are allowing people who hate our country and want to see us fall to have their way.



God Bless,
Jim Jordan


About Jim Jordan:
Leading the fight to hold Washington accountable.

In Washington, Jim Jordan is focused on his oversight role, helping lead investigations into federal agencies

In Congress, Jim Jordan continued to fight for fiscal responsibility,and he offered the only balanced budget of any member of the House or Senate.

As a state legislator, he took on the powerful special interests and the leaders from both political parties who wanted to put Ohio on an unsustainable path of higher taxes and spending.

He built a conservative, pro-family voting record, and authored an alternative state budget that balanced without raising taxes. He became the only legislator in state history to win both the Defender of Life award from Ohio Right to Life and the Pro-Life Legislator of the Year award from the United Conservatives of Ohio.


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