Dear John,

Greece made headlines in 2009 for not being able to finance its debt.

The Greek government for years had been hiding the true extent of their budget deficits, and when the Great Recession started to take hold and contract the economy, the real state of their finances came to light.

Bailouts, budget cuts, and tax increases kept the country afloat, but long-term measures were needed to structurally balance the country’s budgets and rebuild its economy.

That’s where the organization KEFiM comes in, an Atlas Network partner based in Athens.

KEFiM has played a huge role ensuring Greece adopts free enterprise reforms and that classical liberalism continues to gain popularity among the locals.

In the 15 years since the collapse, Greek lawmakers have implemented a huge bulk of KEFiM’s proposed policies, classical liberalism is the most popular way of thinking, and between 2018 and 2020, Greece’s score on the World Bank’s Government Effectiveness report jumped by over 50%.

Greece has made a big turnaround, thanks in part to our partner KEFiM and their ongoing advocacy for free enterprise.

Recently, KEFiM’s Executive Director, Nicos Rompapas, shared with us additional insight into Greece’s recovery and the contribution of Atlas Network.

You can read his comments in our website article, Greece is Back in Business.

All my best,


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