Thank you to all our supporters


Spring appeal update:

CND's work to end wars that could go nuclear!


Dear Friend,


Since the invasion of Ukraine over 2 years ago and the attack on Gaza in October 2023, CND has been at the forefront of the campaign to end these wars – to save the lives of innocent people and to prevent the escalating threat of the conflicts turning nuclear!


The risk of nuclear war between NATO and Russia has significantly increased since the invasion of Ukraine. And with the war widening in the Middle East, there is a real possibility that Israel may use its deadly nuclear arsenal.


Thank you to everyone who has supported CND during this period and contributed to the campaign to end these wars. As one of the lead organisers for the national Palestine demonstrations, CND has helped mobilise millions of voices demanding ceasefire now. The peaceful national marches in London have drawn over half a million protesters to the streets, and people have gathered in their thousands across the UK for local demonstrations.


International online rally ‘Ukraine: how to stop this war’

There has been strong support from our members and supporters across the country, calling for peace talks to end the catastrophic war and reduce the possibility of a nuclear attack. And in February, exactly two years on from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, hundreds of you joined our online rally Ukraine: how to stop this war. Available to watch here.


CND has used its political strength to lobby parliament

Thousands of you used our lobby tool to ask the Prime Minister to call for a ceasefire in Ukraine and for MPs to back all the amendments, put down in parliament, which called for a ceasefire. More than 1,500 supporters have used our lobby tool to ask MPs to sign an EDM which calls on the government to stop all transfers of military equipment and technology to Israel and to suspend the issuing of new export licences. This is an ongoing action which you can take part in if you haven’t already: ask your MP to sign EDM 177: Arms to Israel.


What's next?

Shortly, we will be launching our General Election campaign. We are urging CND members and supporters to engage with party candidates and find out their views on Britain’s nuclear weapons and disarmament, and other crucial peace issues, reporting them back to us. We will make the findings publicly available. This work will help inform voter choices, raise awareness around key issues, and support our campaigning work in the future.


We’re incredibly grateful for all the donations and support we've received so far. You make it possible for us to carry on working at this level. If you can, please donate to our spring appeal and the campaign to end these wars.

In peace,

Kate Hudson

General Secretary

Copyright © 2023 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, All rights reserved.

We collected your name from a petition or you are a member of CND


Our mailing address is:

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

162 Holloway Road

London N7 8DQ

United Kingdom