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SPRING Appeal - 24 Hours to Go
SPUC supporter,
Thank you for your patience. We extended the Spring Campaign to reach target. This is the last call out email. We are within touching distance!
With just one day to go before the appeal ends, the running total at 10am today stood at a remarkable £85,567.
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH to everyone who has contributed.
We are now very close to reaching our £100k goal.
If 288 supporters reading this email today donated £50 each TODAY, we would be home and dry.
Can you help get us over the line?
Donate ([link removed])
The threat level we are facing today is unprecedented.
1. Abortion up to BIRTH
2. Assisted Suicide
3. Ban on Pro-life Speech and Assembly
Disdain for innocent human life does not happen in a vacuum
A culture of death has been gripping Britain ever since the Abortion Act was passed in 1967.
In the wake of World War 2— human history’s bloodiest conflict in which 100 million lives were lost – a brief period of sanity and humanity produced internationally recognised agreements which were meant to stop such a calamitous loss of life from ever occurring again.
The Preamble of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, for example, recognises that:
“… the child, by reason of his physical and mental immaturity, needs special safeguards and care, including appropriate legal protection, before as well as after birth."
Yet according to WHO, every year in the world, there are around 73 million induced abortions.
SPUC is committed to transforming the culture of death into one of respect for the sanctity of human life, where abortion is unthinkable.
But we cannot achieve this without YOU.
Will you give £10 or £25 or £50 or £100 or £500 or £1,000 or more to help build a new culture of life and END abortion in the UK?
Donate ([link removed])
Yours in Defence of Life
John Deighan
Chief Executive
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Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC)
Unit B, 3 Whitacre Mews
Stannary Street
London, SE11 4AB
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Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) . Unit B, 3 Whitacre Mews . Stannary Street . London, SE11 4AB . United Kingdom