OCYD x LBYD General Meeting!

It's not a party until OC and LB unite! You’re invited to the joint April General Meeting with your favorite Young Dem organizations on 4/25 at 6:30PM.

RSVP at OCYD.us/April

Location details will be sent upon RSVP

Student Opportunities!

The Grassroots Democrats HQ is hiring and training paid student canvassers who, in return for a monthly stipend, are knocking on doors or registering voters twice a month in one of our target California Congressional districts.

This includes CA-9, CA-13, CA-22, CA-27, CA-41, CA-45, CA-47, and CA-49.

Student canvassers are helping to ensure our target campaigns can reach their target voters when volunteer engagement is low. In addition to door-knocking and registering voters, canvassers receive training and assist with basic elements of field organizing, including volunteer recruitment, training, and data entry and management.

Click HERE to sign up or the image above!