
We hope you and your family are staying safe during this unprecedented and difficult moment. These are not normal times and it would be wrong to pretend that they are.

We wanted to update you on what Jon is doing in the Senate to make sure Americans receive the support they deserve right now:

  • He helped pass the CARES Act, which provided relief for small businesses, expanded unemployment insurance for those who lost their jobs at no fault of their own, and provided $100 billion directly for hospitals on the front lines of this fight.

  • Jon ensured that Montana SNAP recipients will now be eligible for the maximum benefits because no one should have to choose between paying medical bills and putting food on the table during a public health crisis.

  • As the Ranking Member on the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Jon is fighting to make sure that veterans who don’t file tax returns, still receive their assistance in a timely manner without burdensome additional paperwork.

  • And to ensure that families receive the support they’ve been promised, Jon teamed up with a group of bipartisan Senators to demand the Trump Administration provide a detailed plan on how the government plans to use taxpayer dollars to combat COVID-19.

With trillions of taxpayer dollars being spent, it’s critically important the Administration ensure full transparency, accountability, and willingness for independent oversight during this pandemic.

These are difficult times for all of us, no doubt. This is a situation unlike anything that has hit our country in more than 100 years.

But the fact is we will get through this. We will defeat this virus, and we will do it by working together and doing what all Montanans do -- looking out for each other.

We’ll be sure to keep you updated.

Stay safe,

Team Tester