
Donald Trump ended the 50-year right to abortion by packing the Supreme Court with anti-abortion extremists. As a result, nearly half the country now has total or near-total abortion bans in place.

But now Trump is running away from his record on abortion, and the corporate media is helping him get away with it.

Earlier this month, nearly every major news outlet falsely reported that Trump had promised in a video statement to "leave abortion to the states." The New York Times declared Trump "Less Vulnerable on Abortion Than Other Republicans." Politico even called Trump a "moderate" on abortion. Are. They. Effing. Serious!?!

The reality is that Trump's likely appointees say that abortion is already illegal under the 1873 Comstock Act, and they plan to enforce that ban nationwide on day one. Yet polls are showing that a shockingly high percentage of pro-choice voters think Trump is on their side and may even vote for him.  

It's absolutely vital that Americans know the truth about where the candidates stand on the issues, and the corporate media is failing miserably to provide the information voters need. Common Dreams' election coverage is focused on the issues, not the horserace and phony "balance" that the corporate media passes off as political journalism.

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