Did you see Pramila on MSNBC? She discussed her bold vote against supplying more offensive military weapons to Israel.
Pramila’s point was clear: This is a moment of great consequence and we cannot be complicit in this carnage. Most Americans do not want our government to write a blank check to further Netanyahu’s war in Gaza. The U.S. needs to help find a path to peace.
The Netanyahu government has been callous about the lives of innocent civilians and the famine taking hold in Gaza. And as Pramila said on MSNBC, Netanyahu would not have been able to wage this war in Gaza without military aid from the United States. That is why she voted against sending more offensive military weapons.
This vote was the first time Congress could officially weigh in on the direction of this war. Pramila stood up for our values and we need to show that we have her back.
Team Pramila