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April 23, 2024

Leaving Abortion to the States Requires Federal Action

Trump would have to undo a series of ‘workaround’ regulations Biden imposed to evade the law.
Rachel N. Morrison and Eric Kniffin
Wall Street Journal

Many years ago, a friend visiting an Eastern European country diligently wrote several postcards, stamped them, and then dropped them in what he thought was a mailbox. It turned out to be a very elegant trash can. Of course, his postcards never made it to their intended recipients.

In the pro-life movement, messaging can often be like my friend’s simple mistake where we think we are doing one thing, but with unintended results. For decades, pro-lifers have tried to communicate rich and important truths about babies, motherhood, and the family, yet the polls and the culture continually show these efforts are falling upon deaf ears. We make impassioned and intellectually rigorous arguments, and then they dissolve in the red robes and bonnets of “The Handmaid’s Tale” activists. That one image instantly conveys more than words can say.  

On the latest episode of Beyond the Polls, Henry Olsen talks to Ruy Teixiera about the Democratic Party’s abandonment of the white working class.
In The Telegraph, Henry argues that Trump’s trial is a disgrace to America.
In National Review, Stanley Kurtz writes about Glenn Youngkin's education policy failures in Virginia.
For The Federalist, Carrie Gress argues that the pro-life movement has a storytelling problem.
Carrie joined the Issues, Etc. podcast to discuss this essay.
Gender Ideology: What Catholics Need to Know
With Mary Rice Hasson, J.D.
Mary Rice Hasson presents a six-week series of online lectures exploring gender ideology from a Catholic perspective.
May 19–20, 2024
Georgetown University | The American Enterprise Institute
Washington, D.C.
This conference addresses the work of the philosopher and former EPPC Senior Fellow Sir Roger Scruton from an American perspective.
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