From Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs <[email protected]>
Subject SPECIAL EDITION: Day at the Capitol 2024! // Dia en el Capitolio 2024
Date April 23, 2024 9:26 PM
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Event details, registration, and more! // Detalles del evento, registro, ?y m?s!

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MCLA is an executive branch agency that advises on policy and legislation, and works for more than?*345,000 Latino Minnesotans*?to ensure equality and equity statewide.


MCLA es una agencia de gobierno que asesora sobre pol?ticas y legislaci?n, y trabaja para m?s de *345,000 Latinos en Minnesota*, a fin de asegurar igualdad y equidad en todo el estado.



Day at the Capitol 2024

- Dia en el Capitolio 2024 -

Contents |?Contenido

* Invitation [ #Invitation-1 ]
* Program Details [ #Program-2 ]
* Performances by... [ #Performers-3 ]
* Latino Cuisine [ #Cuisine-4 ] -- a couple steps from the Resource Fair!
* Exhibitors [ #Exhibitors-5 ]- Our local Twin Cities Organizations Present!


*Landing page and Sign-up Links -*


*MCLA Day at the Capitol Landing Page* [ [link removed] ]

*Planning to attend? Register here!* [ [link removed]? ]

*Want to be part of the action? Volunteer!* [ [link removed] ]

*Have Questions? Looking to learn more? Sign up for Silly Questions!* [ [link removed] ]




MCLA?s Day at the Capitol 2024:
Celebrate. Engage. Connect.

*ST. PAUL, MN* ? The Minnesota Council on Latino Affairs (MCLA) is excited to invite the public to the annual "Day at the Capitol" event, scheduled for Friday, May 3, 2024, from 9 AM to 2 PM. This celebratory event will take place at various locations within the Minnesota State Capitol.

This year?s theme, "Celebrate. Engage. Connect.," underscores MCLA?s commitment to fostering deeper connections between the Latino community and Minnesota's legislative process, on the eve of Cinco de Mayo celebrations across the state. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from state and Latine officials, participate in a casual Q&A session dubbed 'Silly Questions,' led by Majority in the Middle, and explore a resource fair featuring 20 local organizations, art workshop by Neomuralismo, and Latino food, El Pariente Mexican Grill and Que Tal Salvadoran Street Eats.

*Event Details:*

* *9:00 AM - 10:15 AM:* Speeches at the Rotunda from Minnesota elected officials and Latine dignitaries.
* *10:30 AM - 11:30 AM:* 'Silly Questions' - a Q&A session in Conference Room 316 by Majority in the Middle.
* *10:30 AM - 2:00 PM:* Resource Fair on Capitol Mall, featuring local organizations, art workshops, and Latino food trucks.

The "Day at the Capitol" is a vital platform for engagement, cultural expression, and civic participation in the Twin Cities. MCLA encourages all members of the community to join this celebration and to take advantage of the opportunities to engage with legislators and community leaders.

*For more information or to RSVP, please contact:*
Katya Zepeda MCLA, Legislative Director
[email protected] || 651.592.8537

*Media Contact:*
Luis Argueta MCLA, Communications and Public Affairs Director
[email protected] || 612.414.3462


*ST. PAUL, MN* ? El Consejo Latino de Asuntos de Minnesota (MCLA, por sus siglas en ingl?s) tiene el placer de invitar al p?blico al evento anual "D?a en el Capitolio", programado para el viernes 3 de mayo de 2024, de 9 AM a 2 PM. Este evento de celebraci?n tendr? lugar en varias ubicaciones dentro del Capitolio del Estado de MN.

El tema de este a?o, "Celebrar. Participar. Conectar.", subraya el compromiso de MCLA de fomentar conexiones m?s profundas entre la comunidad Latina y el proceso legislativo de Minnesota, en la v?spera de las celebraciones del Cinco de Mayo en todo el estado. Los asistentes tendr?n la oportunidad de escuchar a funcionarios estatales y latinos, participar en una sesi?n informal de preguntas y respuestas llamada 'Preguntas Informales', dirigida por Majority in the Middle, y explorar una feria de recursos que contar? con 20 organizaciones locales, un taller de arte por Neomuralismo, y comida latina, como El Pariente Mexican Grill y Que Tal Salvadoran Street Eats.

*Detalles del Evento:*

* *9:00 AM - 10:15 AM:* Discursos en la Rotonda de funcionarios electos de Minnesota y dignatarios latinos.
* *10:30 AM - 11:30 AM:* 'Preguntas Informales' - una sesi?n de preguntas y respuestas en la Sala de Conferencias 316 por Majority in the Middle.
* *10:30 AM - 2:00 PM:* Feria de Recursos en el Mall del Capitolio, con organizaciones locales, talleres de arte y camiones de comida latina.

El "D?a en el Capitolio" es una plataforma vital para el compromiso, la expresi?n cultural y la participaci?n c?vica en las Ciudades Gemelas. MCLA alienta a todos los miembros de la comunidad a unirse a esta celebraci?n y aprovechar las oportunidades para interactuar con legisladores y l?deres comunitarios.

*Para m?s informaci?n o para confirmar su asistencia, por favor contacte a:*
Katya Zepeda, Directora Legislativa de MCLA
[email protected] || 651.592.8537

*Contacto de Medios:*
Luis Argueta, Director de Comunicaciones y Asuntos P?blicos de MCLA
[email protected] || 612.414.3462


Program Details*

Plan Your Day and Meet Us at the Capitol!**

*What can you expect at this year's MCLA Day at the Capitol?*

*9:00a ? 10:15a ? Rotunda?*

* Welcome, acknowledgment of land and labor
* A capella performance by Yunuen Avila
* Guest Speakers
* Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan?
* Secretary of State Steve Simon
* State and Latino Officials
* Closing Remarks

*10:15a ? 11:15a - Capitol Conference rm 316 - Silly Questions*

* A Q&A formatted, casual conversation about the capitol and legislative process led by an expert panel of legislators and organized by Majority in the Middle.?Register here! [ [link removed] ]

*10:30a ? 2:00p - Capitol Mall - Resource Fair*

* 20 organizations & exhibitors will be set up outside in front of the Capitol.
* Programmed live entertainment
* *10:30am* - Yunuen Avila
* *12:00pm* - Danza Group Kalpulli Tlaloctecuhtli

* Latino food trucks parked right in front of the Capitol building for convenience!
* El Pariente Mexican Grill
* Que Tal Salvadoran Street Eats

* Art workshops led by Neomuralismos ? 2 workshops
* *10:45am*
* *12:30pm*

*program subject to change -

**Bad weather contingency plans for indoor festivities through noon


Majority in the Middle at MCLA

*Register Here!* [ [link removed] ]


?Planea tu d?a y ven a encontrarnos en el Capitolio!**

*?Qu? puedes esperar del D?a de MCLA en el Capitolio de este a?o?*

*9:00am ? 10:15am ? Rotonda*

* Bienvenida, reconocimiento de tierra y trabajo
* Canto a capella - Yunuen Avila
* Oradores invitados
* Vicegobernadora Peggy Flanagan
* Secretario de Estado Steve Simon
* Funcionarios estatales y latinos
* Palabras de cierre

*10:15am ? 11:15am - Sala de Conferencias 316 del Capitolio* - *Preguntas Informales*

* Una conversaci?n informal en formato de preguntas y respuestas sobre el capitolio y el proceso legislativo, liderada por un panel experto de legisladores y organizada por Majority in the Middle. ?Reg?strate aqu?!

*10:30am ? 2:00pm - Mall del Capitolio - Feria de Recursos*

* 20 organizaciones y expositores estar?n instalados frente al Capitolio.
* Entretenimiento en vivo programado
* *10:30am* - Yunuen Avila
* *12:00pm* - Grupo de Danza Kalpulli Tlaloctecuhtli

* Camiones de comida latina estacionados justo frente al edificio del Capitolio para mayor comodidad:
* El Pariente Mexican Grill
* Que Tal Salvadoran Street Eats

* Talleres de arte dirigidos por Neomuralismos ? 2 talleres
* *10:45am*
* *12:30pm*

*programa sujeto a cambios -

**Planes de contingencia en caso de tormenta para festividades interiores hasta el mediod?a


Live Entertainment*

Performances by...


*Performer Yunu?n ?vila


Local Twin Cities performer from Michoacan, Mexico - Yunu?n ?vila, who has graced stadiums with her beautiful rendition of the National Anthem.

"Int?rprete local de las Ciudades Gemelas, originaria de Michoac?n, M?xico - Yunu?n ?vila, quien ha deleitado estadios con su hermosa interpretaci?n del Himno Nacional."


Danza Group, Kalpulli Tlaloctecuhtli

Kalpulli Tlaloctecuhtli

Queer-led Aztec group, *Kalpulli Tlaloctecuhtli*, that focus on conserving Mexica-Anahuac traditions through dance.

"Grupo azteca liderado por personas queer, Kalpulli Tlaloctecuhtli, que se enfoca en conservar las tradiciones Mexica-An?huac a trav?s de la danza."

Danza Collage


Latino Cuisine

Let's Eat!
Food Trucks
A special thanks to our Food Vendors! Find these vendors at our event?

and check them out this summer!


*El Pariente Mexican Grill [ [link removed] ]*

*Que Tal [ [link removed] ]*

Resource Fair Exhibitors

What resources will I be able to find at MCLA's Day at the Capitol?
Exhibitors (A-Z)

* ACHLA: Alliance of Chicanos, Hispanics, and Latin Americans
* Centro Tyrone Guzman
* CLUES: Latino Communities United in Service
* Common Cause MN
* COPAL: Communities Organizing Latine Power and Action
* Department of Human Services
* Esperanza United
* HACER: Hispanic Advocacy and Community Empowerment Through Research
* Huellas Latinas
* International Institute of Minnesota
* Labor Solutions
* LEDC: Latino Economic Development Center
* Legal Rights Center
* MiM: MN Immigration Movement
* MN Olmstead Implementation Office
* NeoMuralismos
* Outfront MN
* ROC United: Restaurant Opportunities Center
* Saint Paul Public Schools
* Second Harvest
* Telemundo [RECENTLY ADDED]


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*Questions, feedback, media and print inquiries:
Preguntas, comentarios o consultas de medios**:*


*[email protected]*
Communications and Public Affairs Director

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