Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Tuesday, April 23, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer

Biden’s Moral Equivalence

Here’s what Joe Biden said when he was asked about the Jew-hatred sweeping our elite universities:
“I condemn the antisemitic protests. That’s why I have set up a program to deal with that. I also condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.”
As a reminder, Biden’s “program” to deal with anti-Semitism included the Jew-haters at the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR’s director supported the October 7th Hamas massacre.
More importantly, Joe Biden just did what he has repeatedly lied about Donald Trump doing in Charlottesville.
Biden lied every time he claimed that Trump referred to neo-Nazis demonstrating in Charlottesville as “very fine people.” Trump did not say that. Biden even claimed that this mythical statement is why he decided to run for president.
But what Trump didn’t do, Biden just did.
He compared people who support Israel going after Hamas terrorists in Gaza with people on our university campuses chanting, “Death to the Jews! Death to Israel! Death to America!”
That moral equivalence is disgusting and unacceptable.
As Jews are celebrating Passover this week, just think of what they are seeing on our college campuses and in the streets of America today.
Please reach out to your Jewish friends and neighbors or the rabbi of your local synagogue. Let them know that you support them and stand with them in this difficult time.
Columbia Chaos Continues
Columbia President Minouche Shafik canceled in-person classes yesterday. Today, she announced that classes to indoctrinate students will be hybrid only for the rest of the semester.
So, unable to protect Jewish students and staff on Columbia’s campus, her solution is to shut it down and force all students back into Zoom indoctrination classes.
In other words, she surrendered to the mob. President Shafik has been morally tested, and she has failed.
One reporter at a conservative outlet said he felt safer walking the streets of Guatemala than he did on the campuses of Columbia and New York University, adding that the darkness and hatred envelop you as soon as you step foot on either campus.
I could solve this problem very quickly. Just announce that any student caught chanting calls for genocide or harassing other students based on their faith will be immediately expelled.
But Shafik’s surrender has not satisfied the extremists. She is now facing a censure resolution from a cadre of Columbia’s radical professors. Why? Because they fully support the anti-Semitic demonstrations.
Of course, they didn’t put it that way. They claim to be defending “academic freedom,” and they object to the presence of New York City police officers on Columbia’s campus.
Those radical professors were joined by dozens of Princeton professors who issued a “statement of solidarity” with Columbia’s rabid Jew-hating students.
Meanwhile, at least 60 radical anti-Israel demonstrators at Yale were arrested yesterday. And they have supporters, too. According to the New York Times, “more than 1,500 Yale alumni, students, and parents had signed a letter supporting the demonstrators.”
The moral failures happening on our university campuses should scare the hell out of every American!
These are our best students – so we’re told – at our most elite institutions of “higher learning.” They are future doctors, lawyers, CEOs, professors, and elected officials. They are being indoctrinated with hate – hate for Israel and hate for America.
These radical students and their radical professors are moral pygmies!
Our Moment
Most political movements that become radicalized usually shrink in size. People leave as a group becomes more extreme. The exact opposite is happening now.
It’s important to understand that this anti-American and anti-Israel movement isn’t new. It didn’t just emerge spontaneously as a result of Israel’s response to the October 7th Hamas attack.
This has been nurtured on our college campuses year after year after year by Students for Justice in Palestine and the radical “boycott, divestment, and sanctions” (BDS) movement.
Now we’re seeing the bitter harvest of that hate. And the more radical they get, the greater their numbers become.
When they began saying, “Israel out of Gaza,” they had some supporters. When they chanted, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” a call for genocide, their numbers grew.
When they started burning Israeli and American flags, the crowds got bigger. Now they are threatening Jewish students, and their numbers are swelling.
And more and more people in responsible positions are either afraid, paralyzed, or publicly siding with them.
In its own way, it is an echo of what happens in any nation that first starts hating on the Jews. Anti-Semitism has always been a marker for even more horror coming later.
It starts with attacking synagogues and moves on to arresting Christian pastors. It starts with beating up a Jew and moves on to beating up anybody who has a Jewish friend. It starts with chants of “Death to the Jews” and moves on to chants of “Death to America.”
The anti-Semitic mobs at Columbia, Yale, New York University, and Berkeley will grow and grow. The people we’re seeing on the TV now are the ideological descendants of the people we see in the newsreels from 1930s Germany.
The people screaming calls for genocide at Columbia are the German students you’ve seen setting books on fire that were written by Jewish authors in the 1930s. By the way, they were joined in the burning of those books by their professors.
The people demanding disinvestment from anything related to Israel and boycotting Jewish businesses are the descendants of the fascists who attacked, looted, and burned Jewish stores during Kristallnacht.



Trump’s Trial
It’s infuriating to watch this sham of a trial drag on day after day. It goes against everything America stands for.
When Donald Trump leaves the courtroom every day, he naturally condemns these absurd proceedings. That’s to be expected. But I hope he does more than just that.
I was pleased to see him make the point yesterday that the trial is preventing him from campaigning in Georgia and Florida. And I was really happy to see this morning that, as he was heading into the courtroom, Trump focused on the raging anti-Semitism at America’s college campuses and Biden’s pathetic response.
He should do more of that.
I am recommending that when Trump comes out of that kangaroo court, he should look at the cameras and say:
“It’s day X of this farce of a trial directed by the Biden White House and his campaign. They want me tied up here because they know I planned on being in Pennsylvania, where I was going to remind families of how Biden’s economy is destroying their dreams.
“Tomorrow, when I’ll be tied up in this court, I planned on being in Michigan to talk to blue-collar workers about how Biden’s environmental radicalism is destroying the American auto industry.”
Every day, he should make a point of stressing a campaign theme and end by saying, “To the people in Michigan who can’t see me today, you’re being denied your right to a free and fair election by this farce going on right now.”
A Clear Message
In the immediate aftermath of Roe v. Wade being overturned by the Supreme Court, the left intentionally stoked raw hatred for the court’s conservative justices. Their radical foot soldiers got the message and found out where the justices lived.
They tormented the justices and their families by demonstrating outside their homes for months. Federal law prohibits such intimidating protests, but the Biden Justice Department refused to enforce the law.
It’s almost as if they were hoping someone would shoot one of the justices. And, sure enough, a would-be assassin flew from California to do just that. Thankfully, he was caught before he could act.
I bring this up because Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), a senior House Democrat who chaired the January 6th Committee, has just introduced legislation to clarify that if someone is convicted of a crime, they are no longer entitled to Secret Service protection.
The legislation doesn’t mention any names, but there’s only one former president in a kangaroo court who the left is desperately trying to convict for a crime that did not happen.
I want to thank Rep. Thompson for making the ultimate goal crystal clear: The left wants someone to kill Donald Trump.
Pray for Donald Trump’s safety and the safety of his family.




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