From Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO <[email protected]>
Subject Reminder: Support ADL & Double Your Impact Now
Date April 6, 2020 5:53 PM
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History Shows: The Spread of Hate is Contagious

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Fight the Spread of Antisemitism & Hate from COVID-19

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Double Your Impact Now

Dear John,

As an ADL supporter, you know that throughout history the Jewish people have been singled out, stigmatized and scapegoated for the spread of disease. And you know that during times of anxiety and uncertainty like these, the wave of fear being caused by COVID-19 can lead to antisemitism and xenophobia and increase the risk of hate fueled bigotry and violence.

This is why we need you now more than ever before. It&rsquo;s also why a longtime ADL supporter has offered to double every gift &mdash; up to $50,000 &mdash; now through Wednesday evening, the first night of Passover. Please
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double your impact today!

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Your Gift Doubles Now

John, we have no time to lose. We must stop the spread of hate NOW. Please make your donation today, while
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your support of ADL can go twice as far.

And during this time of uncertainty, your gift to ADL helps keep your community safe through activism and education. You support our Center on Extremism and our law-enforcement partnerships that stop hate speech in its tracks &mdash; before it erupts into violence that claims lives.

Please, stand with us today!
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Fight Hate For Good with ADL.
Stronger together!

Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

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