Privilege in Action: Leftist Students Start Autonomous Zone At
University of Michigan, Spread “Death to America”
The far Left is loud and proud, and you
should be very afraid.
Rich, white, left-wing children of academia have started showing
their true colors on campuses all across America in recent weeks,
including the University of Michigan.
It’s not like colleges have ever been known as bastions of
conservative thought, especially over the past sixty years. But the
reaction to the Hamas terrorist attacks of Oct. 7, which killed over
1,200 unarmed Israelis, has led to a frightening anti-Semitic
backlash. Privileged students who consider themselves progressive, but
present as radicalized, have begun occupying buildings and setting up
tent cities on campuses across the United States to protest “Zionism”
and advocate for the “liberation of Palestine.” They have now emerged
at the University of Michigan.

“Media Literacy” for What it is: Far Left
Government schools plug courses that
teach students to discern fact from fiction, but what they really do
is push leftist ideology under the guise of “fact-checking.”
“Facing History and Ourselves” is an organization that provides
free resources to teachers regarding “media literacy curriculum,”
claiming to help students navigate fake news from truth. The problem
is Facing History and Ourselves is
a far-left group that focuses
on curriculum such as the false 1619 Project
and lessons that advocate for reparations. They
further push the narrative that police are
racist and prejudicial by nature. Facing History and Ourselves is a
great example of fake news, yet they are now moderators of the topic
in classrooms across the country.

New on First
Right: The
Crime Wave Didn’t Happen By Accident. Dr. John Lott Explains
First Right host
Hayden Ludwig welcomes Dr. John Lott, president of the Crime Prevention Research Center and former senior
advisor to President Trump on crime and gun policy.
As an expert on
the Left’s failed gun policies, Dr. Lott is here to expose media
misinformation and explain how America was plunged into an
out-of-control crime wave.
Watch now for facts on how Biden administration
policies threaten our public safety.

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