I'm proud to join the movement rejecting the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision. I support the 'We the People Amendment' because it would take corporate control and influence out of our political system and give power back to the people, where it belongs.
Citizens United allows corporations to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence our elections. This decision has created a political system where politicians are more accountable to their corporate donors than to the people they are elected to represent.
If we're to win with dignity, we must take a stand against the corrupting influence of corporate money in our democracy. Eliminating corporate donations from the political system is essential if we want to restore power to the people.
The ‘We The People Amendment’ is a step in the right direction. This amendment seeks to overturn the Citizens United decision and ensure that our democracy is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people.
Friends I would be honored if you joined our movement with a contribution today.
Thank you,
Bob Lorinser
Candidate for US Congress
Northern Michigan / Upper Peninsula
Democrat, MI01