Time is running out to support our Earth Day campaign.

Friend — the numbers are in, and we ended yesterday just 6% shy of our 2024 Earth Day fundraising goal. So we’re extending the deadline by one day, and it’s crucial that we hear back from environmentalists like you before midnight.

Here’s the situation: extreme MAGA Republicans are spending this Earth Day preparing votes to dirty our air and throw open our public lands to corporate polluters to drill, mine, and worse.

To stop them, we need to scale up our campaign. But to do that, we need your help. Please, review our team’s update from yesterday and renew your LCV membership before tonight’s extended deadline. Right now, $5 is all it takes >>


Happy Earth Day, Friend! Earlier today, we reached out to let you know about an important goal: we need to raise $10,000 from LCV members like you to support our hard-hitting environmental campaigns as MAGA Republicans set their sights on votes to dirty our air and throw open our public lands to corporate polluters.

There are only hours left for us to reach this goal — and right now, we’re not on track to meet it. According to our records, we haven’t heard from you yet, Friend — so we’re asking:

Renew your LCV membership for just $5 before tonight’s deadline.



League of Conservation Voters
2024 Earth Day Campaign

Name: Friend Friend
Goal: $10,000
Progress: 46% to goal

SPECIAL OFFER: Start a monthly gift of $19 or more and receive a complementary LCV tote bag!

Please don’t wait — renew your membership for just $5 right now. And don’t forget — if you can make a monthly donation of $19 or more, we’ll send you an exclusive (and eco-friendly!) tote bag absolutely free!

Start a $19 monthly gift, receive a FREE "Climate Justice is Social Justice" tote bag

The progress that LCV and our partners have been able to secure for people and our planet is only possible because of continued support for our work from supporters like you — thank you.

Don’t let extreme MAGA Republicans and their Big Oil allies turn back the clock on climate progress. Renew your LCV membership before tonight’s deadline for just $5 >>


LCV Membership Team
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