Long Beach workers need protections. Send a letter to the Mayor and City Council.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that we are all interconnected; our lives and our livelihoods depend on getting through this public health crisis together with dignity for everyone. 

This shutdown is causing tremendous hardships for everyone, especially the most vulnerable residents of Long Beach. We are coming together to push for policies to protect working families in this health crisis.  It’s why we’re asking Long Beach leaders to stand with workers and pass:

  • 14 paid sick days
  • Just cause, worker recall and retention policies
  • Time and access to health and safety equipment for hospitality, grocery, and other essential workers
  • Protection for delivery workers to be healthy and trained to do their job safely

The City Council has already taken some positive steps to address our city’s needs, but it is crucial that their next actions be bold, decisive, and for the good of our most vulnerable Long Beach residents.

If you live or know of friends or others who live in Long Beach, we’re asking that you send a letter to the Mayor and City Council letting them know about the urgent need to pass critical worker protections now. 

Our goal is for these critical items to come to City Council as soon as possible. Hearing from you will help make that happen. 
In Solidarity,

Víctor Sánchez 
Director, Long Beach Coalition for Good Jobs and a Healthy Community
LAANE is a leading advocacy organization dedicated to building a new economy for all. Combining dynamic research, innovative public policy and the organizing of broad alliances, LAANE promotes a new economic approach based on good jobs, thriving communities, and a healthy environment.
Copyright © 2020, Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy.

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