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DONATE | SHOP | NEWS | ABOUT US | April 23, 2024
If you’ve witnessed the results of one of Animal Outlook’s investigations, then you know the heartbreaking truth of the systemic abuse, neglect, and torture billions of animals face in the animal agriculture system each year. From acts of violence such as kicking, hitting, and punching, to the torture of spending each day confined to a cage so small they can’t turn around, animals such as cows, pigs, and chickens deserve so much more than the life they’re forced to endure. But did you know that this same abusive system is wreaking havoc on our environment as well?

Yesterday was Earth Day, a time to reflect on the planet we call home and how we can be better stewards of our natural resources. Remarkably, one of the best things you can do for the planet is to choose a vegan diet, which demands less water, land, and carbon emissions than a diet filled with meat.
Support the Planet
Will you help the planet by supporting AO’s vegan outreach program? Each gift goes directly toward lessening our societal reliance on the cruel and environmentally damaging animal agriculture industry.

When you support Animal Outlook, you support all of the incredible work that is being done to help people choose vegan options and reduce the effect that animal agriculture has on our planet. If you’re curious about what farming animals does to the planet, below are just some of the reasons why choosing a vegan diet can lessen your impact on the planet:
  • It takes over 660 gallons of water to produce just one hamburger
  • The US dedicates over 127 million acres of land to growing livestock feed - that’s over twice the size of every US city combined
  • A pound of beef creates 120 times more carbon emissions compared to a pound of apples.
If you’re concerned about the planet, the suffering animals face, and what we’re leaving for future generations, there’s never been a better time to support Animal Outlook’s work.
Donate Now
By giving a gift as small as $20, you’re helping save animals from a life of suffering while also helping to save the planet. When was the last time $20 did so much? 

Thank you for your tireless support. With you by our side, we’re making a difference for animals, the planet, and for the future.

With gratitude,

Cheryl Leahy
Executive Director
As a non-profit organization, Animal Outlook relies on donations from caring, generous people like you. Every dollar matters. Your support makes a world of difference to farmed animals.  
Donate Now to Expose the Truth & Inspire Change
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