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Dear Press Freedom Supporter, 
Last week, I wrote for The New York Times about the importance of international media access to Gaza. For the past seven months, local journalists have been the eyes and ears of this war and we have been steadfast in recording their plight and in providing much-needed assistance to help them keep reporting.

But Gaza is going dark. At least 97 journalists and media workers have been killed since the war began, the vast majority of them Palestinians killed by the Israeli military. Those who remain face hardships that few of even the most seasoned war correspondents have ever experienced.

CPJ's work in this moment is threefold: 
  • We monitor and document attacks, arrests, threats, and censorship to bring visibility and accountability. 
  • We use this meticulous reporting to underpin our high-level advocacy efforts and those of other press freedom groups in advocating for journalist safety and protection, and
  • We provide assistance to journalists to help them keep reporting.
GazaPJS.3.jpgSince the start of the war, CPJ has worked closely with partner organizations to provide immediate and essential assistance—disbursing $300,000 to address the most basic needs for journalists in Gaza—from food and shelter to replacing crucial journalistic equipment like phones, laptops, and cameras.

Much more will be needed if journalists are to continue their vital work—including paying for legal support to detained journalists and providing medical assistance and trauma support. We know you share our belief in the essential role of journalism, particularly in times of crisis. I do hope you’ll continue to support our efforts, not just in Gaza but in defending journalists and their work across the world.

Jodie Ginsberg
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Committee to Protect Journalists
P.O. Box 2675
New York, NY 10108 - United States