Jack: President Obama is calling on Democrats to get in the fight to defend our Senate majority.  Any amount you can chip in –– big or small –– helps us put resources on the frontlines to defeat the GOP.


Can we count on you to chip in $20 or more? All donations 6X MATCHED!

We need you to answer President Obama's call to stay in this fight for our Democratic majority. 


We won the Democratic majority in 2022 because grassroots donors like you were in the fight from the very beginning. Now, all the progress we've made is in danger if we lose the Senate next year. 


That's why a group of generous Democrats has just STEPPED UP to offer a 600% MATCH on all new donations to SAVE our Senate!!


Please, Jack, will you answer President Obama and help us defeat the GOP? Chip in any amount to help immediately and your gift will be 6X MATCHED! >>>

If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: 


Democratic Power is on the frontlines to help Democrats organize for victory in the states, in Congress, and in the White House. 


We rely on grassroots donors to make the biggest impact. If you want to see Democrats win in 2023 and beyond, donate $5 now!

Paid for by Democratic Power, INC., and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.