When I founded Project Veritas, I only wanted to work as an investigative journalist and expose the truth.
O'Keefe Media Group

Liberty Guard Donation Page Dear Friend,

When I founded Project Veritas, I only wanted to work as an investigative journalist and expose the truth.

I focused on that for years, with little resources to pay for the tremendous cost of equipment and travel. I put most of my expenses on credit cards without knowing whether or not the public would ever support me.

Tens of thousands of Americans supported Project Veritas, and the organization grew and became a powerhouse to be feared by the corrupt.

I never imagined that it would be nearly destroyed from the inside, and in my worst nightmares, I never thought the hand-picked board I put in place to run the organization I founded would oust me and drive it into near non-existence.

But it got worse. They sued me with ridiculous claims, and I fought, spending enormous amounts of money on attorneys to defend myself.

Today, I have to ask for your help to keep fighting.

My attorney received a settlement offer from Project Veritas. The rules won’t let me tell you about what exactly they asked for, but believe me, it’s unaffordable and unconscionable.

That will not be happening, not out of pride, but out of my adherence to the truth.

No one wants to see their child on life support. Project Veritas was that to me, and as I work to build my new organization, O'Keefe Media Group, I have no competitive streak that wants Veritas to fail. 

America needs MORE truthtellers, not less, and despite PV's board ousting me, I prayed for their success.

Truth is my passion. It’s rooted in PV's name . . . "Veritas," which is Latin for "truth."

There are no vendetta's here. I want to focus on my overwhelming work at OMG and leave Project Veritas to do the work I hope they will. But to move on, I have to keep fighting this lawsuit imposed on me, and I could use your help to do that.

Will you donate to Liberty Guard, the organization managing my defense fund, to help me raise $22,000 to replenish my defense fund?

Any amount you can contribute is greatly appreciated and will help cover the cost of litigation.

Thank you so much for your support over the years. Please help me honestly put this chapter behind me so I can focus on serving you with my reporting.

In Truth,

James O’Keefe
Founder and CEO
O'Keefe Media Group

O'Keefe Media Group

15 E Market St #6103
Leesburg, VA 20178