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You deserve to know the truth about what's happening in America and around the world.

Dear John,

Did you know that terrorists are crossing our Southern border?

You already know that crime is completely out of control under the Biden administration. Homicides and violent crimes remain above pre-pandemic levels. It's simply not safe in Biden's America.

A major contributor to our escalated crime is surely the Biden administration's complete and utter failure to secure our Southern border. In fact, according to some estimates, roughly 10 million people have crossed our Southern border illegally since Biden took office.

To put that outrageous number in perspective, that's more people than the entire population of states like North Carolina, Michigan, New Jersey, or Virginia -- all in less than four years!

The truly shocking and alarming thing about this is that even known terrorists are crossing our Southern border and being released into our country!

Recently, reports surfaced from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that multiple suspected and known terrorists have been released into the U.S.

One individual associated with a Somalia-based al-Shabaab terrorist organization, was apprehended in California and then released after being declared a "mismatch." In another case, a Pakistani man was apprehended and detained at the border for two weeks but then released, even though he was confirmed to be on the "terror watchlist."

Despite what you and I are seeing with our own eyes, the mainstream media continues to downplay the severity of the situation. John, it's time for the mainstream media to call it what it is. The southern border is a crisis!

If the mainstream media won't report what's going on at the border honestly, then Family Research Council will, through our Washington Watch TV and radio program, our news site The Washington Stand, and our Outstanding podcast.

Americans like you deserve to know the truth about what's going on in our country and around the world, including the crisis at the border. Will you help FRC reach even more people with the truth?


Unfortunately, America isn't the only nation with terrorists crossing its borders.

The October 7 attack on Israel saw Hamas terrorists cross Israel's border, brutally massacre over a 1,100 innocent Israelis, and take more than 240 hostages. When Israel responded to the unprecedented attack and sought to rescue their citizens, they were insulted and slandered by the international community.

Israeli hostages were tortured by Hamas. Infants were killed. Men, women, and children alike weren't safe from the attack. John, Hamas has sworn to annihilate the Jews, and they won't be satisfied until Israel is removed from the face of the earth.

Despite this all-encompassing threat to one of our greatest allies, the Biden administration's support of Israel has been tepid at best. Instead of the support that Israel needs and deserves as a strategic ally, many of Biden's allies on the Left are openly choosing to stand with Hamas.

When I was in Israel recently, Prime Minister Netanyahu warned me that they had to swiftly and decisively defeat Hamas or Iran would attack.

Just a few days ago, we saw he was right.

Last week, Iran carried out an attack on Israel the likes of which haven't been seen in forty years. At this critical hour, the Biden administration needs to firmly stand with Israel -- but they aren't.

FRC on the other hand will continue to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:6).

That's why on May 19, we are calling on churches and Bible-believing Christians across America to pray for and stand with Israel. To sign up to join this nationwide movement, please click here.

Our relationships with pastors, spiritual leaders, and believers across the country as well as lawmakers in Washington, D.C., allow us to be the go-to organization for championing biblical values in public policy. By partnering with FRC, you can make an outsized impact on Capitol Hill and across the nation.


The problem for so many Americans is that they aren't being told the truth about what's happening. If you turn on your TV to the mainstream news, you'll see a predictable pattern.

First, they deny that it's happening. How many times have you seen a mainstream news personality outright deny what you know to be true? Back in 2021, Newsweek tried to claim that the border crisis was a lie fabricated by Republicans. Only more recently has the Left and their allies in the mainstream media admitted that what's going on is, in fact, a crisis -- and only after conservatives had been sounding the alarm for months.

Then, they muddle the truth about what's happening. Do you remember when The New York Times tacitly blamed Israeli Intelligence for allowing the October 7 attack to happen? I do. Hamas is the only group that should be blamed for the ongoing war in the Middle East, not Israel.

Stories like this prove how critical it is that you get your news from sources that report accurate information. Increasingly the mainstream media can rarely be depended upon to tell you the truth when it matters the most.

But Family Research Council will.

Unlike many other conservative organizations that observe D.C. from a distance, we are headquartered in the heart of Washington, D.C., ground zero for these key news developments. We have unique relationships with newsmakers, experts, and political leaders, and now, even other conservative organizations and outlets are turning to us as we bring the news makers and national leaders directly to you, so that you can know what's going on in the world.

Just this year, Washington Watch received the "Television Impact Award" from National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) for being the tip of the spear in the battle against the cancel culture.

John, don't let yourself or those you know and love be taken advantage of by dishonest spin doctors in the mainstream media who want to control what you think and restrict what you're allowed to know. FRC wants to make sure everyone has access to the truth.

But we can't do it without your help.

Together, we can promote truth, and, by extension, help defend America's national sovereignty and the sovereignty of our allies abroad. As John 8:32 says, "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Thank you for helping us to reach Americans with the truth.

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P.S. - Help us reach Bible-believing Christians with the truth that the mainstream media won't tell them!
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