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The geniuses at MBIE take 18 months to officially decide that a
water tank is not a
fire risk 💦 ≠ 🔥

The Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment
(MBIE) took 18 long months of umming and ahing to come to the bold
conclusion that a water
tank on a Kāinga Ora development did not
– in fact – present a fire risk.
Peter Hird, MBIE's Principle Advisor eventually made an official
determination that:
"[It is]
very unlikely a fire could occur in the tank given that the plastic
tank would contain water and air"
No .... Sherlock!
Remember too that these are the same people who are desperately
trying to justify their own bureaucrats. I mean, without them, how
would we know water tanks are 'very unlikely' to burst into
Sticky government-driven inflation is still punishing
Kiwis 📈 😳

Stats NZ have published the latest inflation figures showing that
prices have increased by 4% in the last year – making it now
34 months since it was last inside the Government's target range of 1
to 3%.
While the rate of price increases is slowing a bit, domestic
inflation – the inflation that is driven up by the huge
increases in Government spending – is still running red hot.
The latest figure of 5.8% is just as bad as it was last
The difference between "tradable" inflation (i.e. what we get in
from the rest of the world) and "non-tradables" (domestic) suggests
that while the rest of the world will start to lower interests rates,
New Zealand is in for a longer hangover. That's not good.
Those living paycheck to paycheck – especially those facing higher
mortgage repayments – will feel it. We say Nicola Willis needs to go
much further and faster to tighten the Government's own belt in next
month's budget to get domestic inflation back under control.
Misinformation on public service 'cuts' continues 📰 🔄
Speaking of belt tightening, the reporting on the Government's
Public Service 'cuts' through Wellington-tinted
lenses continues to be one-sided.
From the wilful misinterpretation of back-office savings as
'stabbing at the heart of front-line' to the unquestioning
regurgitation of public sector union talking points, most of the
reporting on the Public Service reductions fails to put the savings in
Let's be very clear – it's not nice to lose your job and most of
these public servants are in this position through no fault of their
But let's get the story straight.
The Government's 'cuts' to the bureaucracy are not
drastic. In, fact, they are small fry when compared with the
astronomical staffing increases we saw under six years of
👆Mr Luxon is miles off his
pre-election promise to cut 14,000 bureaucrats👆
And the Government knows it. In the run up to the
election, Christopher Luxon and National were banging on about how we
had seen very little in return for an extra 14,000 (now 18,000)
bureaucrats since 2017.
"We're spending a billion more each
and every week, when you think we've added 14,000 more
bureaucrats to Wellington and yet on the economy, on
health, on housing, on crime and on education everything is going
backwards, the outcomes are going
backwards." (Luxon
But on current plans Luxon isn't dismissing anywhere near
In fact, on current projections, the Public Service
won't event be stripped back beyond what it was at the election back
in October.
Sign the petition: Save the money, sack the bureaucrats 🖊
The Government was elected to take a chainsaw to the bloated
back-office bureaucracy. Instead, the Mr Luxon's barely applied
a bonsai pruner.

If you agree that Luxon needs to stick to his promise and sack the
14,000 extra bureaucrats that were hired under Labour's last minute
hiring bonanza, take 30 seconds to sign our petition
calling on the Government to go further and faster with their staffing
reductions to cut the waste and balance the books.
Labour tackling the real issue on voters'
minds: the Taxpayers' Union 🧐
After a slow start from the now opposition Labour Party, we're
happy to report that its MPs are making good use of Parliamentary
written questions to Ministers. Written questions are the primary way
MPs hold the Government to account and elicit detailed information out
of Ministers and their officials.
But, it seems Labour's political radar about what New Zealanders
are most worried about right now is a little off. Cost of living
crisis? Tax relief? Budget deficits? Infrastructure? Government debt?
No, no, no, the real issue deserving His Majesty's Loyal
Opposition's attention is none other than the Taxpayers'
No less than sixteen Labour MPs have taken the time to file 182
questions about the Taxpayers' Union since they've been in
opposition. That's more than one question about the Taxpayers'
Union every day since the election!
While we're flattered that Chris Hipkins and Labour are taking so
much interest in the work we do, we do have to ask ...

Next time, save the money, pick up the phone 📞
We know Chris Hipkins' staff read our emails (hi, Chris! 👋) so next
time, rather than waste hundreds of hours of officials' time, just ask
us for the information! What we say to Ministers is no different to
what we say publicly (our "secret agenda" is no secret: Lower
Taxes, Less Waste, More Accountability) and we'll be more than
happy to provide any information you like!
With Labour so interested in our work, (and wanting to see every
communication our supporters have with Ministers) your humble
Taxpayers' Union has decided to cut out the middle man and
will now copy Labour into our advocacy emails sent to Ministers.
In fact, we've starting doing it already. Willie Jackson wanted to
know what we've been saying to Melissa Lee about media bailouts,
hoping to 'catch us out'. Well, we've copied him into the 7,000+
emails sent by our supporters to Melissa Lee on the subject. You're
welcome, Willie! 💁♂️
Unelected Commissioners use ratepayer money to lobby for
postponement of democracy (and keep cushy jobs!) 🙄

Earlier this month, we
slammed Tauranga City Council Commission Chair, Anne
Tolley for some disturbing
comments she made on an interview with Mike Hosking, where she
warned against going back to a democratically elected council
as it would bring back the 'old guard' and make the city go
Apparently the good people of Tauranga might vote for the
wrong people! 😱
Anne Tolley also said she would 'personally' prefer a
'hybrid model' of democracy, where the council would be made up of
elected representatives and unelected commissioners (i.e. her!).
Her reasoning: because "at
times [democracy] fails."
Yes – you read that right.
But it turns out that wasn't even just her 'personal'
wish. In fact, according
to a letter sent by the Commission to the Local Government Minister
late last year, all four unelected
commissioners have been pushing hard to make this
hybrid version of democracy a reality.
that letter they even refer to a report they commissioned – which
cost local ratepayers $32,817 –
that advocates a hybrid model with a 60/40 split for the next
two elections, prolonging the return to a fully elected council until
What rubbish. There is no such thing as a hybrid
democracy. You either have democracy, or you don't. Tauranga residents
have waited long enough for a return to accountability and they
shouldn't have to wait any longer.
Anne Tolley's $1,800-a-day gravy train needs to be
derailed 🚂
While Anne 'unelected' Tolley might still be drinking Nanaia
Mahuta's 'anything-but-democracy' cool-aide (and savouring the
she's being paid), we were delighted to see one of
Tauranga's local National MPs Tom Rutherford rule
out Tolley's ridiculous proposal.
Tauranga-based ACT MP, Cameron Luxton, has also previously called
for the commissioners powers to be limited in the run up to July's
election. It's not too late, Simeon...
2024 student interns: applications now open 🧑💻️ 🆕
Do you know any bright young students based in Wellington who might
be interested escaping the left-wing groupthink that are our
We're looking for our next intake of
part-time student interns.
The internships are varied as we like to play to
people's strengths and interests. On any given day, our interns:
🔸 File
information requests with government departments to expose wasteful
🔸 Help
draft media releases for our spokespeople on breaking news
🔸 Write
briefing papers or short reports on public policy issues;
🔸 Create
video and other content for our social media platforms;
🔸 Man our
stands at grassroots events such as Fieldays and A&P shows
If you know someone with a keen interest in politics,
public policy, or economics who wants to gain some valuable experience
working in New Zealand's best union, send
them our way.
Taxpayer Talk – MPs in Depth with
Mike Butterick 🎙 🧈

week on Taxpayer Talk, Connor sat down with newly elected
National MP, Mike Butterick
Mike, a farmer and farming advocate, was
elected as the MP for Wairarapa in the 2023 General Election. He has
previously been involved with Federated Farmers and was the
spokesperson for 50 Shades of Green, a lobby group addressing
forestry encroachment on farmland. Mike is also active in community
organisations, including serving as a director of Wings over
Wairarapa. Passionate about education, his constituents, and the
rural sector, Mike advocates strongly for local, community-led
solutions to various issues.
Listen to the episode on our
website | Apple | Spotify | Google Podcasts | iHeart Radio

That's it for this week,
Yours aye,

Purves Head of
Campaigns New Zealand
Taxpayers’ Union
Democracy Project Bryce
Edwards: Will politicians let democracy die in the
Kiwiblog Fire
and Emergency costs blowout
1News A
thousand govt jobs cut in 'black day' for public
Newsroom New
Zealand’s crisis of confidence
Chris Lynch Media
spends $71,000 on Facebook ads while supporting bill to regulate
digital giants
Telegraph UK What
New Zealand’s U-turn on smoking ban could mean for Rishi
Hawke’s Bay App Taxpayers’
Union slams eye-watering Hastings rates hike
Listener Danyl
McLauchlan: Politicians may not like the daily news media, but they’ll
miss them when they’re gone
RNZ Political
commentators Dale Husband and Liam
Hehir (10:35)
POLL: Strong support for inflation adjustment of tax brackets to end
the stealth tax
spending still driving cost of living skyward
RNZ’s Hypocrisy Over Fair Digital News Bargaining
City Council's stadium obsession needs to stop
Union Slams Eye-Watering Hastings Rates Hike
Increase Shocker – Gore Residents Face Rates Hike Of
Changes Welcome, But Must Go