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Dear John,

Join Our Children’s Trust today  Earth Day – in championing the 169 youth plaintiffs in constitutional climate cases across the globe.  

Your gift will help unlock $40,000 to power our efforts to lift their voices in the courts and secure their right to a better future for us all.

Yesterday 9 youth leaders stood in front of the White House sharing their stories, determination, and the power of collective action. They are a driving force for climate justice  for themselves, the 2 billion children around the world, and for generations to come. Our youth leaders and the hundreds of supporters gathered called for the evidence to be heard in open court. They were joined by over 30 organizations, including Indigenous water protectors from Mexico emphasizing the importance of intergenerational efforts. In fact, hundreds of thousands of people have called on the Biden Administration to let the youth be heard in a global petition. 

And we are winning! On Friday, U.S. District Court Judge Aiken filed an answer to the DOJ’s extraordinary attempts to silence the 21 youth plaintiffs in their constitutional climate case, Juliana v. United States. Judge Aiken told the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit that the government’s arguments are not valid and that their case should go to trial.

Our youth are at the forefront of our cases, strengthened by innovative legal strategies, expert testimonies, and a supportive community.  
As our youth plaintiffs rally to support one another in their fight for justice, let’s stand with them and demonstrate our commitment to protecting our planet for future generations. Your contribution, regardless of size, can make a world of difference.  

Take action. Support our youth with a donation today.

We are at 50% of our goal with 84 gifts. Help us unlock a generous $40k challenge grant. We need 85 more gifts by April 30!  

Thank you to those who have already donated this month. And thank you for all the ways you show solidarity with our youth through your actions and enduring support.    

The Team at Our Children's Trust


PS – Please share this message of support with your friends and family. Your voice is a powerful tool in the fight for climate action. Help us spread the word. 
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