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Job searching during the crisis 
Many people’s jobs have changed as a result of the crisis. If you are looking for work, there are roles that urgently need filling. The following websites and services can help: 

Get Oldham Working – is still open online and for calls. They have essential job roles available. Contact: [email protected] or call on 07970966527. 

Employ GM – have urgent temporary vacancies for those able to start work straight away during the crisis. – have all jobs in the 12 GM local authorities, and other key service employers. New roles related to the crisis are being added. 

NHS Jobs – Crisis roles are highlighted.

Find a job – A government job search service. There is significant demand for nurses, healthcare assistants, social care workers, delivery drivers, warehouse workers and retail workers. 

For more details on volunteering opportunities, visit our dedicated page 

John Patterson, Oldham's Chief Clinical Officer, talk about why it’s so important to quit smoking right now, as smokers are 14 times more at risk of severe respiratory disease.  
Follow the GM campaign #QuitforCovid. In Oldham we work with Positive Steps to help people stop and they are still offering Stop Smoking Support via, telephone counselling.  

Helpline – 0161 770 7007 
For emergency help during the crisis call 0161 770 7007 – open 9am to 5pm on weekdays and 11am to 2pm on weekends. 

Exam information for this year’s students  
The government and Ofqual has published details about how GCSE, AS and A levels will be awarded this summer: 
Guidance for head teachers and teachers 
Guidance for students, parents and carers and teachers 
This year schools and colleges will provide ‘centre assessment grades’ for their students. After Easter, exam boards will contact schools, colleges and other exam centres and ask for information submissions no earlier than 29 May 2020. Full details are on the government’s website

Don’t ignore it, report it – 0161 770 7777 
Domestic abuse, violence and neglect should still be reported at this time. 

Donations of Protective Equipment 
Donations of personal protective equipment (PPE) for use by front-line health and social care staff are welcome at this time. Items such as disposable aprons, nitrile gloves, face masks, hand sanitiser and eye protection would be appreciated. 
If you have anything to donate please email [email protected]  

Free school meals and Easter – update 
schools to continue to provide free schools for those who are eligible. Over Easter weeks our catering service will be on site to provide packed lunches. The Government has now announced funding for a voucher scheme – please contact your school for more details. 
After the holidays the system will go back to catering staff providing packed lunches on site and the voucher scheme will continue (with a total of £15 per week now available). 
Oldham foodbanks also are available for those in critical need. 

Schools and Easter  
Schools continue to be open over the Easter Holiday period and on Good Friday and Easter Monday for children of key workers and those with Education Health Care plans.  

More info and advice  
Go to for a wide range of information, advice and support. For ideas on how to keep you and your family occupied during the crisis sign up to our Love Libraries email here 


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