
Hope all is well. With the CA primaries now behind us, we have a much clearer picture of the races in play here that will likely determine if we win back the House in November. Right now, we are slightly favored to win as many as six seats... with a few others potentially in the mix.

But, like always, it's going to come down to resources – particularly to fund a very robust field program like we had in 2018. That is the only way we will win in these Central Valley, Sacramento suburbs, north LA, Orange County, and Coachella Valley districts where turnout is always a challenge.

To that end, can you help with a contribution to the effort? We'll immediately put it to good use. Here is the link if you can help.

We can win the House back this year – but it's going to take all of us pulling together in the same direction. I'm all in. I hope you are too.

Thanks for giving this some thought. I would be very grateful for whatever you choose to do.



Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren is a strong fighter for California’s values in Washington. As the Chair of the California Democratic Congressional Delegation, she has been on the front lines of expanding and protecting the Democratic Majority. Zoe has dedicated her career to fighting for our diverse communities and needs your help. 
PO Box 913
San Jose CA 95113

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PO Box 913
San Jose CA 95113