How the GOP is using the courts to harass voters and election officials.
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Daily Docket — Monday, April 22
Here are some updates from the U.S. Supreme Court.
* The Supreme Court rejected ([link removed]) Kari Lake's appeal in a case trying to ban electronic voting machines in Arizona. Lower courts previously dismissed the case and sanctioned Lake and her attorneys for bringing "frivolous claims."
* The Supreme Court won't take up a case challenging ([link removed]) Texas' age-based restrictions on mail-in voting. Voters who brought the case argue the lawsuit was wrongfully dismissed by lower courts.
* On Thursday, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument over Donald Trump’s presidential immunity claims. Former federal prosecutor Harry Litman joined Marc on a bonus episode of Defending Democracy to discuss the case and what could happen. Watch it here. ([link removed])
Here are some other updates.
* A North Carolina court held a trial over a state law ([link removed]) that imposes criminal penalties on residents who vote while on parole, probation or post-release supervision for a felony conviction — even if they're unaware that they're ineligible to vote.
+ Plaintiffs argued that the law was passed with the specific intent to suppress the Black vote, violating the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the 14th Amendment.
* Republicans are filing a series of lawsuits to undo protections and empower election vigilantes to harass voters and election officials. It's all a part of their desperate campaign to win the 2024 election, writes Marc. Read it here. ([link removed])
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