![]() John, with just a few hours left this Earth Day, it's a good time to ask ourselves: What kind of planet are we going to leave behind for future generations? Will it be filled with mountains of plastic waste, or will we pass on a planet where we've moved beyond plastic? And it's an urgent question: Every single year, the United States generates a staggering 35 million tons of plastic waste. That makes us the world's single biggest plastic polluter.1,2 This Earth Day, take a stand against plastic waste. Donate now. Thank you for making our work possible, Faye Park John, The plastic pollution crisis is massive. So much wasteful single-use plastic is produced, and so little is recycled. What can any one person do to fix it? The fact is, none of us can put a stop to plastic pollution alone -- but together, we can make a big difference. PIRG was built for challenges like these. We have decades of experience combining professional research with advocacy and grassroots organizing to find common-sense, achievable solutions to big problems. How are we confronting the plastic pollution crisis together?
These campaigns take resources, and we need your help to make PIRG's Earth Day Giving Drive a success. Our goal is to raise $30,000 by midnight on Earth Day, April 22. To keep our work going strong, we need everyone who believes in a zero-waste future to come together. Thank you, Faye Park Your donation will power our dedicated staff of organizers, policy experts and attorneys who drive all of our campaigns in the public interest, from banning toxic pesticides and moving us beyond plastic, to saving our antibiotics and being your consumer watchdog, to protecting our environment and our democracy. None of our work would be possible without the support of people just like you. |
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