Hi John,

Ottawa’s wasting a billion dollars a week on interest charges on the federal debt.

I just wanted to make sure you saw this email because there is something we can do about these interest charges, it just takes two things: lots of people and some dedication.

That’s why signing the petition now is so important.

When you sign the petition, you’re standing with thousands of taxpayers telling politicians to stop runaway spending and borrowing.

Even more importantly, you’ll be the first to know when it’s time to push politicians to do the right thing. That’s going to be vital even after the next election because special interests will be holding on tight to the gravy train. Now’s the time to join the army we’re building to fight back.

It only takes a second to sign the petition – just click this link: www.taxpayer.com/petitions/stop-trudeaus-debt-dive

Have a good one.

  Todd MacKay
  Vice-President of Communications – Canadian Taxpayers Federation

Hi John,

You’re paying a federal sales tax so Prime Minister Justin Trudeau can cover the interest on his government’s credit card. 

Interest charges on Canada’s debt will be $54 billion this year. GST revenues will be $54 billion.

Think about that. Every penny you pay in federal sales tax goes to the interest on the debt. Not the actual debt. Just the interest on the debt. 

Interest charges on the debt are now costing taxpayers like you more than $1 billion every week. 

In fact, Trudeau is wasting more money on interest charges than he’s spending on health transfers. 

The federal debt will total more than $1.2 trillion this year. When Trudeau first took power, the debt was about $600 billion. That means Trudeau will have officially doubled the debt. 

Your kids and grandkids will be making payments on this debt for their whole lives. 

Trudeau’s latest budget is a disaster. It includes soaring interest charges, massive deficits, a tax hike, the doubling of the national debt, and no plan to balance the budget.

You can join the army to fight back. It’s going to be a long fight. Even after the next election, you’re going to need to stand with thousands of taxpayers to make sure change happens. The time to get into the fight is right now.

Will you sign the PETITION to stop runaway government borrowing?

The government is borrowing too much money and wasting too much money on debt interest charges.

Soaring government debt is unaffordable for taxpayers and it’s wrong to leave our kids and grandkids with the bills.

We, the undersigned, call on the federal government to stop racking up debt.

Once you sign the petition, keep an eye out for your email inbox. We will send you emails when you have good opportunities to take action. 

Thank you for fighting for taxpayers – you’re making a difference!

All the best, 

  Franco Terrazzano
  Federal Director – Canadian Taxpayers Federation

PS: It only takes a minute to sign or share the petition – here’s the link: http://www.taxpayer.com/petitions/stop-trudeaus-debt-dive