Doing what Vladimir Putin wants is anti-American and a betrayal of our country and all it stands for. View in browser 


Over the weekend, the House voted to send Ukraine funding for a security package to help fight off the unjustified invasion ordered by Vladimir Putin.

Over 100 House Republicans, led by MAGA extremists, voted against the Ukraine funding measure. Chief among them was one of Putin’s most reliable and talkative puppets: Jim Jordan.

It has already been exposed that Jordan was the architect of the failed impeachment effort of President Biden. Jordan hand-picked the man that the GOP chose as their star witness, Alexander Smirnov, whose complete and total lies were shown to be fabrications fed by Russian intelligence. Jordan eagerly accepted these lies with no evidence—happily doing Putin’s bidding if it served his and Trump’s interest.

This is why we say as often as possible that Jim Jordan is a threat to our national security and cannot be trusted in office. He has already endangered us, and he will do even more and worse damage if we allow him to return to Congress.

That’s why I am giving everything I have to this campaign. I am doing this for all of us, every American everywhere. The people of my district deserve a leader who will fight for them, and America needs us to run strong and win this crucial race.

Jordan will continue to abuse his power and put us all at risk if we don’t leave it all on the field in our work to defeat him. So I’m asking, as directly as possible: with so much at stake, can I count on you to stand with us and work to beat Jim Jordan in November for the good of the entire country?

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Thank you for standing strong together. I know that we will win this battle for the soul of our nation.


Tamie Wilson
Democratic Nominee
Ohio's 4th Congressional District

Mail checks to:
Tamie Wilson for US

273 Saratoga St, Delaware, Ohio, 43015

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