Frank is proud to support efforts to preserve and protect our environment.

Hi Team – Happy Earth Day from Mrvan HQ! 🌳🌺🌱

Today, we are taking a moment to be grateful for the incredible natural wonders of Northwest Indiana, including our Lake Michigan shoreline and the Indiana Dunes National Park.

We believe that as a community, we must continue to remember our collective responsibility to protect our environment and create positive change that will preserve our planet for generations to come.

Frank is proud to continue to support federal environmental preservation programs, including the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, and also supported the Inflation Reduction Act, which included robust initiatives to create new green job opportunities.

Can you chip in $5 or whatever you can to help ensure we meet our April fundraising goal? Every dollar you can give will help keep Frank in office so he can continue to deliver impactful efforts to preserve and protect our environment for all current residents and future generations in Northwest Indiana and across our nation >>>

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