This Earth Day, we must acknowledge that we have no time to waste when it comes to protecting our environment and addressing the impact of climate change on Washington and the nation.

From the persistent influence of Big Oil, to harmful water and air pollution, the increasing severity of natural disasters, a statewide drought, and a dangerous anti-climate initiative on the ballot in Washington this year – our work to build a sustainable future is more urgent than ever.

I’m asking my strongest supporters to sign our Earth Day Pledge to commit to voting for climate champions and sustainability initiatives at the ballot box this year. Will you sign on?
I’m proud to have worked hard in the Senate to ensure the Land and Water Conservation Fund is permanent and fully funded. Preserving irreplaceable ecosystems like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Bristol Bay, and the Tongass National Forest. And being one of the key architects of the Inflation Reduction Act, which is already setting us on a pathway to drastically slash carbon pollution.

I’m hopeful for the future. Together we will go head-to-head against corporate polluters, expand access to public lands, and stand up for our treasured landscapes.

We must take this fight to the ballot box this November. Sign on to our Earth Day pledge right away:
Thanks for reaffirming your commitment to our climate agenda.





Paid for by Friends of Maria

Friends of Maria
PO Box 12740
Seattle, WA 98111
United States