National Demonstration. Stop Arming Israel. Ceasefire Now. Saturday 27 April, Assemble 12 noon. Parliament Square to Hyde Park. Logos of CND, Muslim Association of Britain, Stop the War Coalition, PSC, and the Palestinian Forum in Britain

Join us on the streets of London this Saturday, 27 April, for our next national demonstration for Palestine, which will end in a rally at Hyde Park! 


With Parliament back in session, we must redouble our efforts to convince the government to change its position on arming Israel, to back a permanent and lasting ceasefire, and to ensure that aid is allowed to enter Gaza to stop the famine taking place across much of the territory. 


Public opinion is on our side. Polling since October 2023 has consistently found that more than two thirds of the British public support an immediate ceasefire. This is in no small part thanks to the efforts of activists up and down the country who have taken part in local, regional, and national actions over the last six and a half months.


Let's keep up the pressure! Join us on Saturday to demand that the British government finally does its part to end the killing, by immediately ceasing its arms sales to Israel, and calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. 

  • Saturday, 27 April 2024
  • Assemble Parliament Square from 12 noon


Details about the route and accessible route will be posted to our event page. You can find more actions to take for Palestine on our dedicated page here, including a letter template to your MP, urging them to stop arming Israel. Please sign and share widely! 

International webinar. Stopping the Israeli war machine: feeding the people of Gaza. Tuesday 7th May. 5pm UK time, 6pm CET. 12 noon EST. Organised by No to War - No to NATO. Supported by Global Women for Peace United Against NATO. Speakers include: Medea Benjamin, CodePink USA; Professor Anuradha Chenoy, India; Andrew Feinstein, former South African MP; Frankie Leach, Action Aid, UK; and Ashok Kumar, Birkbeck University. Moderation: by Kate Hudson and Reiner Braun.

Stopping the Israeli war machine: feeding the people of Gaza – international webinar, 7 May 2024


After almost seven months of death and destruction in Gaza, the global peace movement continues to mobilise against Israel's war machine, and pressure is growing to end the flow of weapons and diplomatic support. In addition to bombs raining down from above, food too has been used as a weapon against Palestinians, with the choking of vital aid from entering Gaza, leaving much of the Strip in famine.  


As part of the No to War - No to NATO network, CND invites you to join this upcoming international webinar on Tuesday, 7 May, where we'll hear from an excellent panel of peace campaigners, aid workers, and experts on how we can work to stop the flow of weapons to Israel at source; how more aid can get into Gaza, and how the peace movement internationally can come together to build solidarity and advocate for the rights of Palestinians. 

  • Tuesday, 7 May 2024
  • 5pm (UK) / 6pm (CET) / 12 noon (EST)
  • Online, register here


With guest speakers: Medea Benjamin, CodePink USA; Professor Anuradha Chenoy, India; Andrew Feinstein, former South African MP; Frankie Leach, Action Aid, UK; and Ashok Kumar, Birkbeck University. Moderated by Kate Hudson and Reiner Braun.


This webinar is being organised by the No to War - No to NATO network and supported by Global Women for Peace United Against NATO. For queries, contact [email protected].


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