Do you think producing more plastic will help us solve the climate
America’s Plastic Makers think so. In a recent article, the
industry group decried our Planet vs. Plastics theme for
Earth Day 2024 as “misguided,” and claimed that plastic producers are
actually leading the way to fight for a cleaner planet. These
claims amount to little more than greenwashed lies.
Plastic producers can talk the talk but at the end of the day,
their industry is expected to contribute an estimated 19% of global
carbon emissions by 2040.1 Without them, the nearly 170
trillion pieces of microplastics that currently taint our oceans would
not be decimating our marine life.2 The millions of tons of
plastic waste piling up in our overflowing landfills would not exist
without their contributions. America’s Plastic Makers are
trying to reframe this as a climate issue, while brushing the very
real issues with plastic under the rug: the effect on human
This morning, we asked you to call out Dow Inc. with a letter to
the CEO.3 Now, you can amplify your impact with a
critically needed donation to EARTHDAY.ORG this Earth
We know that plastic is a substantial threat to human health:
cardiovascular diseases, hormone interference, and effects on the
reproductive system, among others, have all been linked to the
dangerous chemicals in plastics. If America’s Plastic Makers — of
which Dow is a member — truly wanted to take a step towards a
healthier world, they would release the research they have on plastics
and human health, not pivot onto climate change.
These producers claim that plastic is just so efficient that we
can’t live without it, and plastic can actually be the solution to
climate change. Plastic producers can make all the baseless claims
they want, but their empty promises of advanced recycling technology
and more eco-friendly plastic packaging have yet to slow the rising
tide of plastic choking our planet. In the long-term, plastic will
only cause more harm than good for both humans and the
That’s exactly why Earth Day declared our
Planet vs. Plastics theme, to shine a light on the important
issues; their deflection makes our point, and proves that we can be a
catalyst for conversation and change.
Will you chip in to help us make a bigger
For our health,
Kathleen Rogers President
1. UN Environmental Programme: https://www.unep.org/interactives/beat-plastic-pollution/
2. PLOS ONE: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0281596
3. EARTHDAY.ORG: https://www.earthday.org/letter-to-dow/