Hey John, I’m actress and Save the Children Ambassador, Cobie Smulders. Happy Earth Day.
In honor of Earth Day, I'm working with Save the Children Action Network to protect kids' futures from the climate crisis — we would love your help!
How does climate change affect kids globally?
🌎 Every year, extreme weather disrupts 40 million children’s education
🌎 Pollution and hunger are exposing growing bodies to illness and disease
🌎 By 2040, one in four kids will have severely limited access to any water source
🌎 Famine, drought and other disasters are forcing families to flee their homes
🌎 Children born today will experience 7X more heatwaves, 2X more wildfires and 3X more crop failures, droughts and floods than their grandparents.
How you can help? Tell your lawmakers to build a more sustainable world, there's no planet B for the next generation.
When adults fail to act, kids suffer the consequences. It’s happening around the globe – and it’s happening fast.
Thanks for standing with children John — on Earth Day and every day. I'm so grateful to be working together to make our planet a safe and healthy space for kids around the world — Happy Earth Day!
Act now! Join me in urging Congress to put kids' futures first. We can still make a difference.