Can I tell you a quick story?
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Warren for Senate

There are plenty of ways to celebrate Earth Day today.

You could plant a tree, or help clean up a local park, or ride your bike instead of driving your car — all terrific.

I want to make a pitch for one more step: taking political action to demand policy change.

Because when we raise our voices side by side, over time, we make change happen — to ensure clean air, clean water, and a livable planet for our kids and grandkids.

Can I tell you a quick story to try to make that case? It starts with how corporations — including many large players in the oil and gas industries — gamed the tax code, and ends with fighting climate change. (Yep — basically every big issue we work on comes down to tax policy.)

You see, for years, giant corporations were raking in massive profits while paying little or no federal income taxes. In fact, during the period of 2018–2022, the largest profitable corporations in the oil, gas, and pipelines industry were paying an effective tax rate of only 2%.

That just isn’t right. So I proposed a minimum tax on massive profits for billionaire corporations.

People said it would never happen. They said corporate lobbyists had too much power. But this grassroots movement got behind the plan. I kept persisting in Washington. And in 2022, we got it passed — to help fund our nation’s biggest-ever investment in fighting the climate crisis.

That tax is now powering clean energy innovation, new jobs, climate resiliency, environmental justice investments, and electric vehicle purchases across the country.

And I’m running for re-election to stay in the fight — for more investments in fighting climate change and more projects to help our communities weather this crisis.

Even though big oil companies and other powerful interests want you to be cynical about the potential for making change — all so they can preserve their profitable status quo — I want you to remember your power in our democracy, this Earth Day and beyond.

When we come together, when we demand action, we can pass systematic reforms that benefit generations to come.

And I’m grateful that you’re in this fight by my side.

Happy Earth Day,


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