Hi John, I’m Christy Smith. You may know me from when I ran for Congress against Mike Garcia in CA-27 -- only falling short by a few hundred votes in 2020.

Today, I’m asking you to join me in supporting George Whitesides’ campaign for this district with a $3 donation.

Now that George finished in the top two in the CA-27 primary, he’s all that stands between MAGA extremist Mike Garcia and another two years in power.

Mike Garcia couldn’t care less about CA-27. He’s only interested in cozying up to the far-right, and his record reflects it: He voted to ban abortion, he voted to raise his own salary by $8,000, and refuses to work across the aisle to get results.

I’ve been exactly where George is now. This is truly a make or break moment for the campaign. It’s critical that George has the support he needs to be in a strong position to fend off attacks from Garcia and the national GOP.

This is a must-win race for control of the House majority and the betterment of our communities. Will you join me in supporting George with a donation of $3 or any amount today?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
$10 $35
$50 $100
$250 Other

Thank you,

Christy Smith