![]() Patriot, Never let it be said you and I didn’t put up a good fight. Last week was a very busy week for liberty. We took on the Spy State and their renewal (and expansion) of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. We took on the interventionists who want Americans entangled in every corner of the world. We took on the big spenders who want to keep the Fed’s printing press going 24-7 and burdening our children and grandchildren with an unsustainable debt. But early last week we saw the U.S. House pass an expanded version of FISA. The Spy State apologists tried to scare Americans into thinking we would not be safe without this in place. They told us they were reining in the FBI that broke the law hundreds of thousands of times by spying on Americans without cause. Then late Friday night, the U.S. Senate voted to approve the renewal and expansion of the warrantless mass surveillance program that had been passed by the House. And then to top it off, the House approved a bill totaling over $90 BILLION for wars and impending wars in Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. Unfortunately, many of these politicians have zero remorse. Finally, the House, as “part of the deal,” threw in the so-called “TikTok ban” that would silence free speech on the Internet. This is a dreadful outcome, plain and simple. Every American should be furious about every aspect of these bills. When the Ukrainian “aid” bill passed, Democrats waved Ukrainian flags from the House floor. But nothing in the bill will benefit the people of Ukraine. The Senate is expected to pass the $90 BILLION monstrosity later this week. The only silver lining is that we have recorded votes, including on the FISA amendments in both the House and the Senate. We need
to hold every member of Congress accountable for their votes on these bills. These votes were decisive. And they split both the Republican and Democrats into two camps: those who voted to defend liberty and those who voted to destroy it. But Patriot, I hope you will do more than just be furious about this. I hope you resolve to fight harder than ever so that we can hold them accountable. Because Campaign for Liberty is never going to stop fighting to restore our constitutional rights. We didn’t quit when they passed the “PATRIOT Act” or the “USA FREEDOM Act,” and we’re not going to stop fighting now. We came closer than ever before to shutting down
their warrantless mass surveillance program. And we did shorten the renewal to just two years. So we will regroup and come back in even larger numbers when the time comes. But we cannot continue the fight without your continued support, and these battles in Washington, D.C. and across the country do consume resources. If you can, please make a contribution to help us prepare for the battles to come. In frustrating times like these, I think back over our achievements over the years, that people didn’t think were remotely possible: >>> You and I stopped EVERY attempt (by BOTH
parties) to RAM their National ID database scheme into law. If passed, this scheme would have allowed the government to create a database of
EVERY American citizen – including everything from gun ownership records and political activity, to love interests. >>> We have stopped countless gun-grabbing schemes at the federal and state levels and helped pass Constitutional Carry in states all across the country. >>> We created a massive backlash against the “Central Bank Digital Currency” scheme, held the line against efforts to bring it closer to passage, and have passed bills at the state level to ban state governments from using or accepting a CBDC as legal tender. >>> We passed Audit the Fed in the House and kept it on the radar to pass it in both chambers in a better political environment. For these reasons and so many more I haven’t mentioned, I’m counting on you to renew your support for Campaign for Liberty. From every corner, freedom is under assault. The statists are on the march, and they will not give up until our liberties have been completely wiped out. Battles over the WHO Treaty, a national digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currency, gun control, so-called “climate” legislation, election theft masquerading as “reform,” all of these issues are still being fought – and we must be able to continue to make the fight. Whether you can give $2,000, $200 or even $25 today, we need to know that you’re still in the fight with us. Patriot, freedom is always worth fighting for, and we will never stop fighting for it. Will you? For Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director P.S. We came closer than ever to ending warrantless mass surveillance and held off the foreign “aid” bill for months. It is frustrating that they ultimately passed, but the only answer is to regroup and hold them accountable in the election season. But we also need to be ready to mount a substantial defense against serious threats that are already on the horizon. . . The WHO Treaty, a national digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currency, gun control, so-called “climate” legislation . . . we are going to continue to defend the Constitution at every front. Can I count on you to please renew your support for Campaign for Liberty by clicking here and making your most generous contribution, right away? Whether you can give $2,000, $200 or even $25 today, we need to know that you’re still in the fight with us. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron Paul.
If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The
mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money,
free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |