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Hi -


Joe Biden and the Democrats’ failing agenda is destroying this country, causing America’s very foundation to crumble.


And with Biden’s approval rating sitting at a paltry 39% the Left knows they are in trouble come November.


That’s why they are doing everything they can to destroy President Trump and his campaign. They know his dedication to putting America FIRST is their biggest threat.


No matter what the Left has thrown at him, President Trump has NEVER wavered or stopped fighting for YOU and a better America.


But now, with the full force of the Left against him yet again, he needs our help in these final months to secure this all-important victory.


Please make a contribution to help us defeat Biden and the Democrats so we can Make America Great Again

If there’s one thing you can count on from the Biden Administration, it's that they will ALWAYS put the American people LAST. Just look at the past four years.


That’s why this election has never been more important.


The future of America may be decided by voters right here in Minnesota when we pull out all the stops to show our support for President Trump and the America First movement.


And when we successfully FLIP this state, we will be ensuring a brighter future ahead for all Americans with President Trump at the helm and House Republicans fighting alongside him.


But the battle is far from over and we are counting on your continued support to carry us to victory.


With patriots like you by our side, I know that Biden’s days in the White House are dwindling.


So please, make a contribution to help us defeat Biden and the Democrats so we can Make America Great Again.


Thank you,

Rep. Brad Finstad
Minnesota's 1st Congressional District

PO Box 923

New Ulm, MN 56073
