Defender of Wildlife,
The science is impossible to ignore.
Seismic oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is a direct and deadly threat to polar bear moms and cubs. The Arctic Refuge is home to the most imperiled polar bear population in the world – and we cannot afford to lose one more of these bears.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is asking for your comments on its new report about seismic testing activity and polar bears in the refuge. Tell them the science is clear: Big Oil’s invasion of the Arctic Refuge is too dangerous!
We must prevent oil and gas exploration and development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge!
The Arctic Refuge coastal plain is the most important denning habitat for polar bears in the United States. The critically imperiled Southern Beaufort Sea polar bear population is dependent on this habitat for survival. With the continuing loss of sea ice, pregnant bears increasingly use it for maternal denning.
Seismic exploration can harm and even kill denning mother bears and their cubs. And that’s just the exploration phase.
If industrial development of the Arctic Refuge moves forward, it will turn this serene wildlife-rich habitat into a steel and gravel spiderweb of pipelines, roads, airstrips, drill rigs, gravel mines and other infrastructure spanning hundreds of miles.
Sign to tell FWS: Evidence shows that Big Oil’s invasion of the Arctic Refuge will have deadly consequences!
Climate change has already created new obstacles to survival for polar bears and other Arctic wildlife. Safeguarding critical polar bear habitat is one of the most important things we can do to give these animals a chance to survive.
Take the opportunity to tell FWS not to ignore the mounting evidence that Big Oil’s planned invasion spells doom for wildlife in the Arctic Refuge!
Thank you for all you do on behalf of imperiled wildlife.
Robert Dewey
Vice President, Government Relations and External Affairs Defenders of Wildlife |