Dear Partner in Ministry,
Last week Catholic Charities USA hosted three video calls for parish social ministry leaders at Catholic Charities agencies across the nation. Participants offered mutual support and shared ideas and best practices on how to serve in the face of changing realities.
These conversations surfaced a number of initiatives being taken. In hope that they may be of help to you, here are some that were raised in conversation:
- Promoting political advocacy by sharing action alerts and encouraging house-bound parishioners to write lawmakers on social policy initiatives;
- Intentionally reaching out to parishes to establish new relationships, refer services, and identify needs;
- Promoting participation in the US Census;
- Promoting Catholic social teaching learning opportunities, emphasizing solidarity and the common good;
- Engaging with volunteers remotely;
- Sharing inspirational and hopeful messages throughout their networks, using parish-based contacts;
- Encouraging students in parish religious education programs and Catholic schools to write to homebound elderly in their communities;
- Develop relationships with diocesan schools, still in session through virtual means;
- Reminding everyone that simply connecting with others is a form of ministry;
- Extending financial counseling and behavioral health services through virtual means, extending their reach beyond urban centers;
- Adopting “Continuity of Operations” plans;
- Forming volunteers and identifying local resources for the USCCB’s “Walking with Moms in Need” program;
- Organizing food and diaper drop-offs in parish parking lots, to supply local pantries;
- Referring parishioners to Catholic Charities-based counseling and mental health services, offered online;
- Using parish ambassadors to solicit prayer requests to be offered at Catholic Charities-led prayer services;
- Organizing outdoor stations of the cross at neighborhood homes, as churches are closed;
- Adopting new electronic media platforms such as Hustle, Zoom, and FlockNote.
May God's peace be with you and those you serve at this time.