We have the momentum on our side, and it's all thanks to you.

Big news, team: We outraised our MAGA opponent, Scott Baugh, last quarter! It’s the support of everyone on this team giving what they can, when they can that got us here, so thank you. 

But make no mistake: Outraising Scott Baugh will immediately ring the alarm bells for the Republican establishment. 

Extreme House Speaker Mike Johnson already came to Southern California to fundraise for Baugh… and after this quarter, we’re willing to bet he’ll be back.

With a surge of far-right, MAGA cash surely headed Baugh’s way, we can’t take our foot off the gas. Will you pitch in $5, $25, or whatever you can to help us outraise Scott Baugh again this quarter?

If it wasn’t clear already: CA-47 is a #1 target for national Republicans. Pretty soon, right-wing special interest groups will begin pouring money into this race to prop up Baugh and his dangerous MAGA agenda. 

Your support helps us go toe-to-toe with the millions of dollars worth of attacks against Dave. We know we can keep CA-47 blue – but we can’t do it alone.

Grassroots donations power this campaign so please: Pitch in right now to send Dave to Congress, stop the national GOP from buying this election, and retake the House Majority majority:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Chip in $25
Chip in $50
Chip in $100
Chip in $200
Chip in $250
Other Amount

Thanks for anything you’re able to give. When we take back the House in November, it will be because of folks like you stepping up. 

Team Min HQ