We’re in for an extremely competitive race with the power to determine whether or not Democrats can take back the House majority.

John, there’s no denying it: IN-01 is one of the most competitive congressional races in the country.

FIRST: National Republicans outraised vulnerable Democrats like Frank by millions of dollars last cycle. With this in mind, we fully expect the GOP to spend millions going after us just like they did in 2022.

THEN: A major far-right group started running attack ads on Frank right here in Northwest Indiana.

NOW: With National Republicans committed to flipping this seat, we need every dollar to help make sure we can keep this seat blue.

Every dollar you can give right now will help us keep up our momentum and spread Frank’s message. So please, John, will you be part of our team and fight against the Republican dark-money organizations?

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We’re in for an extremely competitive race with the power to determine whether or not Democrats can take back the House majority. There’s too much at stake to leave anything to chance.

That’s why we’re reaching out to ask for you to chip in $5, $25, or whatever you can spare in this critical moment to help Frank Mrvan win reelection. Can Frank count on you, John? >>

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Team Mrvan