Fair Shot PAC

Mary Peltola

Folks, in a moment, I’m going to ask you to split a donation between Fair Shot PAC and my re-election campaign, but first, I wanted to tell you what will happen if I lose in November.

The simple truth is this: If I lose, special interests WIN, and they’ll install a far-right politician who doesn’t represent everyday Alaskans.

Allow me to explain…

→ Our opponents WILL take away our freedoms and restrict abortion access.

→ Our opponents WILL carry out an extremist agenda that puts partisanship above policy.

→ And our opponents WILL cater to their out-of-state mega-donors over the needs of everyday Alaskans.

There are two choices: You can sit this one out and let extremism win in Alaska, OR you can stand with me and protect our future from an extremist agenda. Please, will you split $25 between Fair Shot PAC and I to help us defeat special interests this November? I can’t do it without you! >>

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation to Fair Shot PAC and Mary Peltola will go through immediately:

Thanks for your support,

Mary Peltola