Gauge your rage - and tell us how you feel. No images? Click here The sewage being dumped in our seas is making us sick - one quick swim put me in hospital for a week. Could you take 30 seconds to help us gauge your rage on water pollution? Tell us how angry (or not!) this makes you:John, it only took 2 hours to hit me. It was a normal dip in the ocean in Cardiff, just like any other day. I hadn’t been out of the water long, but in the space of a couple of hours I felt nauseous and feverish. I knew something wasn’t right. My son came downstairs to find me lying on the floor. Apparently I was waving my arms about, not making any sense. I don’t remember a thing – but it must have been terrifying for him to see me like that. That one swim put me in hospital for a whole week. You hear stories about how much sewage is dumped into the ocean, but I still can’t believe it made me that sick. John, the team at Surfers Against Sewage really want to find something out: just HOW angry do reports of sickness like this make you feel? Gauge your rage to help show how our community is feeling: I’m so grateful for the SAS Safer Seas and Rivers App, which means I can check how clean my local water is before diving in. Being out in the ocean and getting a sense of the elements is such a wonderful thing. Even so, I shouldn’t have to constantly check to make sure I am safe to swim. That’s why I’m so determined to win the fight to get water companies to finally clean up their act. Since reaching out to Surfers Against Sewage, I’ve learned about hundreds of people like me who have ended up sick, and whole seaside towns where businesses are going bust without access to clean water. And what’s made me more outraged is that water companies have dumped even more sewage into the UK’s rivers and seas this year - putting more people at risk of going through a similar situation. John - this week is the Now or Never Appeal, a chance for us to pull together our rage and turn it into change. That’s why we want to hear from the whole SAS community. Just HOW outraged do stories like this make you feel? We want to gauge your rage: Thank you for being part of the movement doing everything we can to make sure water companies hear our rage and have no choice but to clean up their act. Robbie Bowman PS: It really only takes 30 seconds to share your views and let us know what you think. Your views will be used to help fuel Surfers’ Against Sewage’s fight for a thriving ocean. |