WuFlu - The War on Nationalism

So, the epicentre of the Wuhan-virus moved from Wuhan in mainland China to New York City in mainland United States within a matter of few weeks.

Inevitably the debate arose, pushed by Democrats and their mainstream corporate media hirelings to pin the blame on President Trump.

This is all over again the fake news and orchestrated hysteria fabricated around the Russia-Trump collusion in the 2016 election that President Trump was subjected to on an hourly basis for nearly three years of Democrat party led effort to oust him from the White House.

In the end Special Counsel Robert Mueller found there was “nothing there, there” in the Russia-Trump collusion story. The American people await when, and if, there will be a Special Counsel appointed by President Trump’s Attorney-General to investigate Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation’s collusion with Putin’s Russia, which is not a fake news.

In the meantime, just about all of us here in Canada, in the U.S., and in Europe wish to know when this alarm and lockdowns over the Wuhan-virus pandemic might be brought to an end.

So, I will go on a limb here.

All of this will come to an end on the late evening of November 3rd or by the early hours of November 4th when Americans and the rest of the world learn the result of the 2020 presidential election.

Regardless of who wins, whether President Trump is re-elected (as I believe he will, and I will not get into it here), or the Democrat nominee is elected as the 46th President of the USA, Wuhan-virus and everything surrounding it will sink into the memory-hole like other pandemics in the recent past, such as SARS, MERS, H1N1 swine flu, Ebola-virus epidemic, West Nile-virus outbreak, etc., except for the economic ruins and, consequently, the broken lives left behind.


The Wuhan-virus pandemic will have no further political use in the context of the American election, as it will have either failed in defeating President Trump’s re-election or succeeded in getting the Democrat nominee elected.

On what basis, anyone might ask, do I make such an “outrageous” prediction.

Well, simply, my view or prediction is derived on the basis of my observation and study of human nature, history, culture and politics over nearly a lifetime.

This resume of mine will of course be pooh-poohed by experts. But just as wars are too serious to be left to the consideration of only the army generals, so also pandemics are too serious to be left to physicians.

We all know about the tunnel-vision of economists, and the epidemiologists are similarly afflicted when it comes to data, sorting them out and analyzing them.

The story of Neil Ferguson and the wild swing of the two studies of his group in Imperial College London predicting at first over half-million coronavirus deaths in Britain, and then revising it down to some twenty thousand should be a humbling reminder of errors by experts and the resultant costs borne by common people.

I went on record with my friends on the same basis, as I have gone on a limb now, in predicting Donald J. Trump would win the presidency as soon as he announced his candidacy on June 16, 2015. All that predictably followed and have not yet ended, given the ferocity of media-driven attacks on his political views and his personal and family life as a New York billionaire-cum-celebrity, were mounted by people lacking scruples or integrity of their own.

But President Trump, first as a Republican candidate and then the occupant of the White House as the Chief Executive and the Commander-in-Chief, not only prevailed but despite the immense odds pushed ahead with his America First policies of restoring America’s status as the world’s leading economic and military power.

President Trump’s America First policy has been and remains a direct challenge to the Globalist agenda and the Globalist investment in Communist China. This began in 1980 when in the final year of Jimmy Carter’s presidency China was granted the “most favoured nation” (MFN) status in bilateral trade agreement with the United States.

The Globalist investment in Communist China accelerated once the UN invited China to enter the WTO in 2001.

Between 1980 and 2020 Communist China went from the status of a third world country with nuclear weapons to the world’s second largest economy in terms of GDP.

This was the gift given to the Beijing gangsters during the presidencies of the two Bushes, Clinton and Obama together joined by leading member states of the EU and Canada.

President Trump’s America First policy, as he openly informed Americans during the 2016 campaign, is directed to re-balance trade with China and bring back industries and jobs that the U.S.-based multinational corporations and their Globalist-oriented owners and CEOs shipped to China at the expense of American workers and economy.

Consequently, right from the out-start of the Trump presidency the collective interests of Globalists in the Democrat party (the legacy of Clinton-Obama presidencies), in the GOP establishment and among Republicans tied to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce lobbyists, the business oligarchs like Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, George Soros and others converged with the interests of the Beijing gangsters in maintaining Communist China’s steady rise to become the world’s leading power replacing the United States.

Democrat opponents and their media hirelings having failed to oust President Trump from office with their last coup attempt – the totally fraudulent and partisan impeachment effort of Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler – were left with the Globalists to fire blanks as the November election draws near.

It is in this context of the convergence of interests of Democrats, their Globalist paymasters, the corporate mainstream media on the one hand, and on the other hand the interest and ambition of the Beijing gangsters, I view the global panic over the Wuhan-virus epidemic was orchestrated, regardless of whether the outbreak of the sickness in Wuhan was accidental or by design of the Chinese communists.

This orchestrated panic inside America that became the prologue, or pretext, to the lockdowns is the desperate last effort to pin blame on President Trump in the bid to defeat him in the November 2020 election.

For the Beijing gangsters, the Chinese casualties in the outbreak of the Wuhan-virus epidemic irrespective of the final numbers are merely collateral damage – given the inherent nature of communists and their exercise of totalitarian power – of their long held ambition to turn Communist China into the dominant global power.

For Democrats and the Globalists, the pandemic came about just at the right time to frighten the public and mobilize them against President Trump as responsible for not doing enough to save lives.

They now believe they have the Trump administration in a box to be slammed whatever it does for doing not enough and not doing it right.

So between now and November, as Michael Goodwin of the New York Post writes below, we will be witnessing blame game becoming the all-consuming fake news story.

The fake news story will not end with President Trump’s re-election, except it will be re-calibrated to continue undermining his second term.

And if the Democrat nominee wins, like dew in the morning sun the orchestrated panic will melt and vanish, as Democrats and Globalists and the Beijing gangsters celebrate the defeat of their nemesis, Donald Trump, and ratchet up their Globalist agenda of a borderless world under the UN flag.

-Salim Mansur

->Kind regards,
FCS Team

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