It’s bad enough that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, whose wife played a role in the January 6 insurrection, has refused to recuse himself in related cases. This week, he actually downplayed the deadly riot during the oral arguments.(1)
It’s just the latest example of how Justice Thomas flouts what meager guidelines exist for the nation’s highest court when it comes to recusal. And he’s not the only one.
Every single conservative justice on this court has raised ethical flags – all while upending our basic constitutional rights on everything from reproductive freedom to preventing school shootings.(2,3)
But we have the power to fight back. We may not elect Supreme Court Justices, but we do elect members of Congress. That’s why we’re coming together to demand that Congress stop the Court’s relentless power grab. On Wednesday, April 24, join Courage California and a coalition of advocates for a Stop the Power Grab community event!
Click here to RSVP for this special event on Wednesday, April 24 at 5:00PM PT, so we can make our collective voice heard about the need to rein in the MAGA supermajority of the Supreme Court!
There’s no real legal reasoning with this court dominated by Trump-appointed justices. The MAGA supermajority is all about enacting a partisan agenda to satisfy an extreme right wing, even if it means throwing out decades of precedent on bodily autonomy, gun safety, and environmental protection.
Justices like Thomas and Samuel Alito also have no qualms about living a life of luxury on the dimes of the ultrarich, then going on to rule in their favor.(4)
Thomas, for instance, is poised to reverse his old position and help undo the “Chevron doctrine,” a legal principle that has long helped safeguard the environment and workers. Destroying Chevron has been a long-standing goal of Harlan Crowe, Thomas’s billionaire benefactor.(5)
These justices are appointed for life, but we can hold them accountable. We can come together and demand that Congress -- which has clear oversight over the court -- do its job and rein in the extreme MAGA supermajority.
Sign up for a virtual Community Kickoff Wednesday, April 24 at 5:00 PM PT, to find out how we can rein in the out-of-control Supreme Court.
Yours in the fight for justice,
–Irene, Annie, Angela, Isidra, Mario, Marvin, Alyssa, Jen, and Lindsay (the Courage team)
Footnote: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.