Silence across the world commemorating the human destruction of life and nature on Earth - bringing extinction ever closer.
Funeral for Nature

Hello John,

Today we held a funeral for nature. Thousands paid tribute to the biodiversity murdered by greedy, power hungry and negligent governments and corporates. We mourned how these ‘leaders’ know the risk to life and nature and yet do nothing. The future of our planet is at stake. We need you.

Extinction Rebellion would like your help towards keeping the pressure on. Whatever you can donate today will have twice the impact as the Big Give is matching donations pound for pound until 25th April. 

The UK has seen significant loss of its plants, animals and fungi. It is now one of the most nature-depleted countries on Earth. We now know that 43% of UK bird species are in decline and, since the second world war, we have lost 97% of our wildflower meadows.

As well as the loss of nature, depleting biodiversity means less clean air, less fresh water, less food. It also means less resilience against the increasing impacts of climate breakdown.

We won’t give up. Ramp up XR actions by donating today. As Sir David Attenborough said: “The truth is, every one of us, no matter who we are or where we live, can and must play a part in restoring nature. [We’re] hopeful for the future, because although nature is in crisis, now is the time for action, and together we can save it.

You are an amazing human being . You have the power to bring about great change.

Unite to Survive,
XRUK Fundraising Team

PS Click here to watch today’s interview with Chris Packham about the Funeral for Nature.

Funeral for Nature
Funeral for Nature
Funeral for Nature
Funeral for Nature

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