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John, we have a five alarm fire in Georgia.

In 2020, we defeated Donald Trump by the skin of our teeth, carrying Georgia with fewer than 12,000 votes of the 5 MILLION votes cast. We made Donald Trump and his GOP allies FURIOUS, and ever since then, one thing has been on their minds: Flipping Georgia back to red.

In 2022, the GOP poured hundreds of millions of dollars into Georgia to elect Herschel Walker, only to be thwarted by our grassroots team.

Now, the GOP apparatus is working overtime to flip Georgia back for Trump. They’re terrified that Georgia might go blue for the fourth year in a row, and they can’t afford to let that happen.

So here’s what we need from you: join our grassroots movement. The only way we stopped Donald Trump and the GOP before was by building a movement the likes of which they had never seen before. We invested in volunteers all across Georgia, and that investment paid off. So please, join our team, rush a donation, and help us keep Georgia blue.

We know how to win in Georgia, John, because we’ve done it before.

The GOP knows one thing: taking large checks from big dollar donors like the Koch Foundation – and their kryptonite is our grassroots movement. When neighbors go door to door to talk about how Democrats positively impact their lives, the GOP’s lies collapse.

So please, rush a donation today and help us continue our progress in Georgia.

– GA Dems

Paid for by the Democratic Party of Georgia. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. www.georgiademocrat.org
Democratic Party of Georgia
P.O. BOX 89202
Atlanta, GA 30312
United States
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