In the eleven days since the Arizona Supreme Court banned abortion in nearly all circumstances by reinstating a 160-year-old ban, Democrats in the state legislature tried twice to repeal the ban.
State Republicans blocked it, both times.
The situation in Arizona is abhorrent and horrifying. Critical health care services are at risk due to this ban, which threatens abortion providers with a prison sentence of two to five years. It also underscores the importance of Democratic legislatures – here in Virginia, Republicans pushed a similar bill earlier this year, which was defeated thanks to Democratic control of the state House.
We must continue to elect Democrats up and down the ballot who will fight to codify Roe into law and protect reproductive health care for every American. If you agree, please, chip in $5 now.
We know this is not the end of the fight.
In Arizona and at the federal level, we will continue to push to restore and protect the right of all to make their own health care decisions. Here in Virginia, where we know that Republicans will continue to push draconian bans like this one, we must ensure that we continue to elect Democratic majorities who will defend that right.
I hope you’ll stand with me.
Thank you,
Mark WarnerContribute