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Editor's Choice

Read our editor’s picks for the week:

Addressing the Risks and Harms of Artificial Intelligence by Leveraging Capital

Technological advances promise social and personal benefits, but there are risks of amplified inequality in AI technology. What roles can organizational investors and the nonprofit ecosystem play in shaping AI’s socioeconomic impact? Read more...
Join the IBM Sustainability Accelerator
IBM is accepting project proposals from nonprofit organizations to apply for a 2-year pro bono program offering IBM AI technology, resources and expertise.
Apply by April 30

Latinx Nonprofits Need Support, Unity

Latino-led and Latino-focused nonprofits need more support from the philanthropic community. Read more...
Call the Nonprofit “Thanks for Everything You Do” Hotline
When you need a wholesome pick-me-up and a reminder you’re making a difference, dial 812-RESILIA.
Not a phone person? Get your pep talk online at

Why Philanthropy Must Support Labor Justice

An organizational leader makes the case that to realize racial justice, philanthropy must support worker organizing. Read more...
Abortion access has widespread benefits
When people can safely get an abortion, it not only improves their quality of life, but that of their families, communities, and even countries.
Download the report from Ipas

The Value of Susu: Economics, Mutual Aid, and Women’s Solidarity in Ghana

The system of susu in Ghana is often seen as a temporary “self-help” mechanism for migrant women. But the potential significance of the practice is far broader. Read more...

The Only Nonprofit Literary Distributor in the Country Has Closed

What the sudden shutdown of Small Press Distribution means for nonprofit and independent publishers—and the books they championed. Read more...
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